[2019/09/04] adding node [conv_lstm]
[2019/05/14] Modify the number of output channel in residual operation (ElewiseSUM)
For instance, layer -1 (128 * 32 * 32) and layer 66 (256 * 32 * 32) (ch * w * h)
residual (layer -1 and layer 66) = 128 * 32 * 32
[2019/03/20] adding node [crnn]
Visualizing the darknet network structure by .cfg file, and also provide the output featrue map size for each layer.
Example: python3 main_DarknetVisualization.py
"import .cfg path" and "Result save format" can be modified in the 'main_DarknetVisualization.py' directly.
Result save format: default: 'png'. However, 'pdf' is better choice.
python3, graphviz