- 🎓 I'm a Software Robotics Engineer (Rey Juan Carlos University). Currently, I'm pursuing a Masters degree on Science and Technology from Space (Alcalá de Henares University).
- I did an internship in Paris 🇫🇷, at ZettaScale Technology, where I worked on integrating data-flow programing with ROS2 using Zenoh-flow and developed two robotics applications: "QR code follower" and "Robot swarm object finder".
- My bachelor's thesis, which was nominated for honors, was also based on this topic. It demonstrated the feasibility of integrating data-flows with ROS2 in multiple robots applied to education. This project achieved, among other objectives, a reduction in the educational gap between the university and pre-university phases.
- 👀 My interests include robotics, space exploratione and rocketry, maths, physics and any other science.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning software robotics, astronomy and game desing.
- 💞️ I’m looking forward to collaborate on projects in robotics and astronomy with European companies or entities from other parts of the world, as well as on research projects at universities.
- 📌 I'm currently living in Madrid, Spain 🇪🇸. I've also been to 🇫🇷 🇮🇹 🇬🇧 🇬🇷 🇲🇹 🇵🇹 🇻🇦 🇧🇪 🇲🇦 🇭🇷.

Bachelor's thesis
Integration of data-flow programming and ROS2 in multiple real robots based on Swarm object finder which was developed during my internship.
(2022 - 2024)

Internship project
QR code follower with a real robot (Turtlebot3 burger) using ROS2, Zenoh and Zenoh-flow

RoBall mechatronics project
RoBall (Ball Robot) mechatronics project
hand to hand with @jorgerando and @javi-dbgr

University project
Planning with plansys2 for cognitive systems in robotics
hand to hand with @amglega, @ivrolan and @javi-dgbr