- ROS package that applies face_recognition
- Tested Kinect V1 RGB and usb_cam
- For voice commands one must go to the repository and configure tts.
cd catkin_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/UtBotsAtHome-UTFPR/utbots_face_recognition.git
cd ..
This package depends on freenect_launch or usb_cam and runs on python, as well as some official ROS dependencies.
The code runs on Python 3.8 and you must use a virtualenv (Install with pip install virtualenv
) with the path /usr/bin/venv_utbots_face_recognition/bin/python
as the node expects its existence to run. Install the requirements:
cd /usr/bin
sudo python3 -m virtualenv venv_utbots_face_recognition --python=$(which python3)
roscd utbots_face_recognition/src
/usr/bin/venv_utbots_face_recognition/bin/python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
sudo rosdep init
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
For utbots voice one must go to the repository and configure tts.
First, to run on usb:
roslaunch utbots_face_recognition usb_action_server.launch
To run on kinect:
roslaunch utbots_face_recognition freenect_action_server.launch