This release of KOunt contains the following new features/changes:
- Removal of Barrnap and tRNAscan-SE from the pipeline, all data that would've been annotated by them is run through the rest of the pipeline to save time, flowchart amended to reflect this
- Inclusion of the new quality filtering step, evenness of protein coverage. All of the coverage and kofamscan_results rules have been updated to give users the option of using/no using this
- Replacement of the bedtools_samtools_KOunt.yaml with coverage_KOunt.yaml
- Fixing bug in kallisto KOunt calculation
- Amending bed file creation in the nohit_fastq rules
- Added commands to remove large unwanted output files
- Changed the coverage rules to convert bam files to bed files which reduces memory needed
- Updated the template config.yaml
- Added a file with the average memory and time used for the samples in our manuscript