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IRC Meeting 2 Brainstorming Summary

Ingo Ruhnke edited this page Mar 22, 2015 · 2 revisions

Here are some of the things we discussed and decided on in our second IRC meeting:

==Main Setting The main setting of the game is a planet with abundant natural resources (gold?), and a semi-hostile environment. People come to this planet hoping to get rich, and enter into the employ of various "bosses", which provide them with equipment and land to mine, in exchange for a cut of the profits. Bosses and their companies sometimes move from mine to mine - when they find a profitable plot of land, they may have to guard it to keep other bosses from moving in.

Residential areas are organized into colonies, which are surrounded with electric walls to defend from hostile (unintelligent) aliens. Miners are transported to the mines (outside the colony walls) by shuttle.

The society here is tough, but not overly hostile. Most people carry guns, and disagreements are rarely settled by the police. Communities have sprung up around the mining colonies, including bars and shops. There is an interstellar government, but it takes a very laissez-faire attitude, and exercises little power on this planet.

Interstellar travel is very expensive, and most people stay on the same planet for most of their lives. No intelligent alien species have been discovered.

==Plot Elements The main character, Jane, lives on the planet for many years now. She came here like many others in the hope to get rich by mining. Now she works as a mercenary. She has modified her miner suit for combat installing some custom modifications and "extras" she got from a local dealer. She works for the character known as Boss, who employs mercenaries, but keeps the cover of a less interesting business (mining, or junkyard).

The game will start with Jane recovering from a significant physical injury. She doesn't remember exactly what happened (she had a blackout for some hours because of the shock at the incident), the boss knows what happened but tries to avoid the topic. This is basically a nice element to work on in a later release/episode, we shouldn't reveal it in milestone2. Jane is using a VR training program for physical therapy now (first mission in milestone2).

Jane receives a mission from Boss to rescue a miner from a giant spider.

==Random Stuff The game, and the motivations of the characters, are driven mostly by money.

Jane also has a nemesis. At some point, this nemesis will rescue Jane.

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