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Ingo Ruhnke edited this page Mar 22, 2015 · 3 revisions

The following roadmap should give a little guide in which order stuff will be developed, so that it can be tested and integrated without to much stepping over each others feed. The main goal is to create a fully playable Milestone 3 (Version 0.3.0) release in the next few month (something around three might be accurate).

The following items should be more or less developed in that order, so that progress is visible and we won't end up with a completly unplayable version inbetween:

  • create 32x32 tiles for the virtual world
  • switch the engine back to 32x32 tiles
  • rewrite the currently fully broken collision code to properly handle tilemap - player collisions
  • add support for multiple sectors
  • add/cleanup the dialog support
  • integrate squirrel scripting into the engine
  • write 'story' for the tutorial, ie. simply a AI that will tell the player how to control the game
  • create the levels necessary for the tutorial
  • create an additional level for the tutorial in which the player can train their movement in free form
  • create all necessary animations for the hero
  • finialize the story and the needed settings for the actual game
  • create all the necessary character 3d models for the actual game
  • do the graphics for the house/base of the hero
  • do the graphics for the powersuit scenario
  • write the dialog for the game
  • create the sound effects for the game
  • create music for the game
  • do the voice over for the game

The following items can be implemented basically as soon as somebody finds the time:

  • add slope support to the tilemap
  • add stair support to the tilemap
  • add support to push boxes around
  • add support for carring and stacking boxes
  • add support for multi-layer playfields (ie. rooms that you can enter, which cause the wall to fade away)

Releases ==

Release 1.0.0 should be a fully playable and complete version, releases before that should be playable as well and should contain at best a self contained story. Development releases/technical previews should be seperated from the playable released and should provide a special interface which lets you select level, intros, etc. The init/intro screen should show that the current version is not playable.

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