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Submission files format

Hubert Bereś edited this page May 28, 2016 · 3 revisions

Data file: name.txt or name.csv

User uploads .txt or .csv file and specifies row and column delimiters (from list or custom). They should also denote if file is in some popular schema, eg. exported directly from excel

Order of columns within this file is free, except tags which must be placed in the last column (separation?: comas)

Metadata file: info-name.txt

Generated automatically using data from submission form. Contains of following lines:
1....row delimiter
2....column delimiter 3....autor
4....from language language
6....constant level (blank line if not provided)
7-n..Lines with constant tags formatted as follows:
.....tag_name,<r>readable form</r>,<d>description</d>
n....blank line
n-k..additional info about live tags used in this data file. Formatting:
.....tag_name,<r>readable form</r>,<d>description</d>
k....blank line