ShapeOut 2.21.4
This release puts a focus on the plotting UX. The actual plot size was sometimes not consistent with those set in the AnalysisView. In addition, plots will not anymore increase in size when adding slots unless this could lead to layout issues, and it is now possible to use the window handles to resize plots (this is not permanent though when the plot is recreated).
- fix: incorrect path list check when loading broken dataset
- fix: duplicate filters via block matrix results in AttributeError (#184)
- fix: plot sizes chaotic due to improper use of setFixedSize (#176)
- fix: plot size not set correctly when loading session
- fix: base automated plot size adjustment on minimal plot dimensions (#180)
- docs: update screenshot scripts and refresh screenshots
- enh: allow to change plot window size via edge handles (#51)
- setup: migrate pyqtgraph from 0.13.3 to 0.13.6 (#109)