ShapeOut 2.21.5
This releases fixes a few issues related to the new table graphs.
- fix: disable table graphs widget when an image-type table is shown
- fix: accessing table data from DCOR
- enh: do not keep dataset references in QuickView, only remember IDs
- enh: use bulk emodulus computation as viscosity calculator
- setup: bump dclab to 0.62.13
ShapeOut 2.21.4
This release puts a focus on the plotting UX. The actual plot size was sometimes not consistent with those set in the AnalysisView. In addition, plots will not anymore increase in size when adding slots unless this could lead to layout issues, and it is now possible to use the window handles to resize plots (this is not permanent though when the plot is recreated).
- fix: incorrect path list check when loading broken dataset
- fix: duplicate filters via block matrix results in AttributeError (#184)
- fix: plot sizes chaotic due to improper use of setFixedSize (#176)
- fix: plot size not set correctly when loading session
- fix: base automated plot size adjustment on minimal plot dimensions (#180)
- docs: update screenshot scripts and refresh screenshots
- enh: allow to change plot window size via edge handles (#51)
- setup: migrate pyqtgraph from 0.13.3 to 0.13.6 (#109)
ShapeOut 2.21.3
ShapeOut 2.21.2
This is a bugfix release with improvements in usability. When selecting a block matrix element for QuickView, the corresponding dataset and filter are automatically activated/shown in the AnalysisView. I also identified and resolved two possible race conditions related to plot and filter updates (see #148 and #172).
- fix: signal race condition when editing filters in AnalysisView (#148)
- fix: signal race condition when editing plots in AnalysisView (#172)
- enh: use QuickView selection to navigate AnalysisView slots and filters
- enh: when batch-loading datasets, allow individual files to fail
- enh: auto-select logs in AnalysisView
- enh: improve table graph selection (remember graph, clear if unavailable)
ShapeOut 2.21.1
The event images shown in QuickView now use the maximum amount of space available. Especially in the polygon selection mode, this was not the case before. I also fixed a colormap issue in QuickView related to QPI data.
- fix: maximize image size in QuickView
- fix: colormap for QPI data only updating for one image view in QuickView
- ref: QuickView code needed tidying up
ShapeOut 2.21.0
Shape-Out 2.21.0 comes with a visualization feature update: The analysis view now allows you to visualize basins (data loaded from other .rtdc files), tables (e.g. telemetry data recorded during a Naiad measurement), and all logs stored in the .rtdc file.
- feat: implement showing dataset basins in the analysis view (#182)
- feat: implement showing dataset logs in the analysis view (#140)
- feat: implement showing dataset tables in the analysis view (#141)
- enh: more Quick View default choices than "deform" and "area_um"
- enh: update icon theme
- docs: document new features in Analysis View
- setup: pygments (for json formatting) is now an explicit dependency
- setup: bump dclab to 0.62.9
- ref: simplify logic in Analysis View
- ref: do not override
ShapeOut 2.20.1
ShapeOut 2.20.0
Thanks to Eoghan O'Connell for implementing phase and amplitude visualization for QPI data!
I also fixed two bugs in the box filtering widget.
- feat: display and handle quantitative phase imaging data
- fix: filter range control not updating limits, displaying value "100" (#183)
- fix: filter range control not updating handles when resized
- enh: improve plotting performance in QuickView polygon selection mode
ShapeOut 2.19.1
In Shape-Out 2.18.0, I claimed to have set the the "buyukurganci-2022" viscosity model as default for Young's modulus estimation. This was not the case and is corrected in this release.
- fix: "buyukurganci-2022" was not actually the default viscosity model
- ref: remove distutils dependency
- docs: add developer's section
ShapeOut 2.19.0
Thanks to @RaghavaAlajangi who implemented the Young's modulus look-up-table selection in the graphical user interface and while doing so also did most of the work upgrading the GUI toolkit from Qt5 to Qt6.
I also added a preferences section for adding S3 object storage access credentials. Previously you had to use a workaround with environment variables to achieve this. I also added the dclab[s3]
extras to the install dependencies which adds boto3
(which is now also part of the binary releases).
Detailed list of changes
- feat: support accessing private S3 basins (#174)
- enh: enable lut selection in analysis view plots (#71)
- fix: only allow user to choose "R.exe" in R binary manual search (#173)
- enh: correctly show system R binary in settings
- ref: migrate from pyqt5 to pyqt6 (#165)
- ref: migrate from pkg_resources to importlib.resources (#155)
- setup: support Python 3.12
- setup: new dependency "boto3" via "dclab[s3]""