Ros Node for communication with a Apache Jena Fuseki triple store.
Make sure you have the Java Developent Kit 11 installed:
java --version
If not, install it with
sudo apt install default-jre
Run server from Fuseki root folder with:
This starts a Apache Jena Fuseki Server at localhost:3030.
If you get "Error: A JNI error has occurred, please check your installation and try again", you have sourced the wrong Java version and need to run
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64
Once the server is running, open localhost:3030 in your favourite browser, navigate to "manage datasets" and add two new datasets, one called fs (Dataset type in-memory) as fact store, one called o (Dataset type Persistent).
Go inside the yet_another_knowledge_base folder and run
pip install -r requirements.txt
The package contains a launch file, which starts the YAKoB_node, which is a ros wrapper for the knowledge base providing ros services for some knowledge base funcionality:
- string[3] fact: Triple of strings
- string object_type: should be URI if the object of the fact is a URI eg. a concept inside an ontology. Or should be one of the ros datatypes, which will be mapped to an xsd:type for storage inside the triple store.
- uint32 n_results: Number of returned results
- uint8 n_values: Number of values per result (example: for SELECT ?s ?p ?o n_values = 3)
- string[] values: List of entities as strings returned from query
- string[] types: States whether according value is of type url or literal
YakobUpdateFact.srv: Service message for adding, deleting or modifying (not implemented) facts to the fact store.
- Fact[] facts: Array of Facts to be updated
- returns nothing
YakobUpdateGraph.srv: Service message for adding a serialized graph to the fact store.
- string graph: Serialized graph as string.
- returns nothing
YakobQuery.srv: Service message for querying the knowledge base with a SPARQL query.
- string query: SPARQL query as single string
- returns QueryResult result
- yakob_add_ontology: add a Graph to the ontology dataset, uses YakobUpdateGraph.srv
- yakob_add_facts: add facts to the fact store, uses YakobUpdateFacts.srv. Subjects, predicats and objects that aren't part of an RDF namespace will be added to the internal namespace (rosparam /YAKoB/namespace)
- yakob_remove_facts: remove facts from the fact store, uses YakobUpdateFacts.srv
- yakob_query: query knowledge base with SPARQL query, uses YakobQuery.srv
After building the package and sourcing setup.bash you can run
roslaunch yet_another_knowledge_base start_yakob.launch
to start the knowledge base. Default namespace is the incorap namespace "", which can be modified by changing /YAKoB/namespace in the launch file.
By default YAKoB is using Fuseki as triple store. To change to the rdflib implementation you need to change line 19 in from
self.c = Connectors.FusekiConnector(self.datatype_map_path, self.namespace)
self.c = Connectors.RDFlibConnector(self.datatype_map_path, self.namespace) is the node for your own experiments. Some hardcoded facts are in there, but feel free to go wild here.
You find the incorap ontology in ressources/ontologies.