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Rebrandly API Integration

Chris Carlevato edited this page Jul 8, 2023 · 6 revisions uses your API Key to access the Rebrandly API for link shortening.

Generating Your API Key

  • Sign in to your Rebrandly account
  • Open the account menu by clicking the photo/image near the upper right corner
  • Click API Keys
  • Select an available API Key or click the "New API Key" button to generate a new key

Add API Key to

  • Select under the WordPress admin Settings menu
  • Scroll to the URL Shortener section
  • Select Rebrandly as your Shortener Service
  • Enter your API Key and Save Changes

Short Domain Options

By default will be available selected for links shortened using Rebrandly. If you've connected your domain to Rebrandly or registered a domain with them you can use that domain for shortening links created with

After completing the steps above to provide your Rebrandly credentials check the checkbox labeled Update Options from Rebrandly.. When this checkbox is checked when saving your settings the list of options for your "Short Domain" will be updated with the options available for the Rebrandly account you've entered the API Key for. When the page reloads select the domain you'd like to use and save your changes again, the newly selected Short Domain will be used for short links when creating or edited marketing links with

Note: You only need to check the update checkbox to retrieve new short domain options after making changes to your Rebrandly account. The Short Domain options will be saved by to allow you to make change any time you like.

Rebrandly Account Limits

Due to the substantially reduced account limits Rebrandly unit tests are not run by default. To enable them update the testing and change UTMDC_REBRANDLY_DO_TESTS to true to enable the Rebrandly unit tests.

We've put together a script that makes it easy to delete old links to avoid maxing out the number of active links your account allows or having to delete links manually. Download recleanly here.