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Starting and controlling SPADE

Raza Ahmad edited this page Oct 17, 2018 · 7 revisions

To start the SPADE server, use the following command (in the SPADE/bin directory):

spade start

This will start the SPADE server as a daemon. To instead start SPADE as a foreground process, use the following:

spade debug

To start the controller used to configure the SPADE server, execute the following command (in the SPADE/bin directory):

spade control

The following will appear:

SPADE 3.0 Control Client

Available commands:
       add reporter|storage <class name> <initialization arguments>
       add analyzer|sketch <class name>
       add filter|transformer <class name> position=<number> <initialization arguments>
       remove reporter|analyzer|storage|sketch <class name>
       remove filter|transformer <position number>
       list reporters|storages|analyzers|filters|sketches|transformers|all
       config load|save <filename>


At the outset, no reporters, storage, filters, transformers, or sketches are present. This can be seen with the list command:

-> list reporters
No reporters added

-> list storages
No storage added

-> list filters
No filters added

-> list transformers
No transformers added

-> list sketches
No sketches added

To exit the controller without stopping the SPADE server, use the exit command:

-> exit

To stop the SPADE server, use the following command (in the SPADE/bin directory):

spade stop
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