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ci: ⚙️ Build and test on CI #5

ci: ⚙️ Build and test on CI

ci: ⚙️ Build and test on CI #5

GitHub Actions / Clippy Output succeeded Jan 28, 2024 in 0s

Clippy Output

47 warnings



Message level Amount
Internal compiler error 0
Error 0
Warning 47
Note 0
Help 0


  • rustc 1.75.0 (82e1608df 2023-12-21)
  • cargo 1.75.0 (1d8b05cdd 2023-11-20)
  • clippy 0.1.75 (82e1608 2023-12-21)


Check warning on line 192 in src/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Clippy Output

unneeded `return` statement

warning: unneeded `return` statement
   --> src/
192 |             Event::LoopDestroyed => return,
    |                                     ^^^^^^
    = help: for further information visit
help: replace `return` with a unit value
192 |             Event::LoopDestroyed => (),
    |                                     ~~

Check warning on line 155 in src/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Clippy Output

casting integer literal to `u16` is unnecessary

warning: casting integer literal to `u16` is unnecessary
   --> src/
155 |                 let x = 1.0f32 * f32::from(counter % 7 as u16);
    |                                                      ^^^^^^^^ help: try: `7_u16`
    = help: for further information visit
    = note: `#[warn(clippy::unnecessary_cast)]` on by default

Check warning on line 155 in src/support/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Clippy Output

unneeded `return` statement

warning: unneeded `return` statement
   --> src/support/
155 |     return dir;
    |     ^^^^^^^^^^
    = help: for further information visit
    = note: `#[warn(clippy::needless_return)]` on by default
help: remove `return`
155 -     return dir;
155 +     dir

Check warning on line 149 in src/support/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Clippy Output

this operation has no effect

warning: this operation has no effect
   --> src/support/
149 |                     data.push([(i * self.unit_bytes + 0) as usize]); // R
    |                                         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider reducing it to: `i * self.unit_bytes`
    = help: for further information visit

Check warning on line 141 in src/support/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Clippy Output

this operation has no effect

warning: this operation has no effect
   --> src/support/
141 |                     data.push([(i * self.unit_bytes + 0) as usize]); // R
    |                                         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider reducing it to: `i * self.unit_bytes`
    = help: for further information visit

Check warning on line 93 in src/support/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Clippy Output

this operation has no effect

warning: this operation has no effect
  --> src/support/
93 |                         [([i as usize] as u32 * palette.unit_bytes + 0) as usize],
   |                          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider reducing it to: `[i as usize] as u32 * palette.unit_bytes`
   = help: for further information visit

Check warning on line 266 in src/support/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Clippy Output

this operation has no effect

warning: this operation has no effect
   --> src/support/
266 |                         params[row * 3 + 0],
    |                                ^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider reducing it to: `row * 3`
    = help: for further information visit

Check warning on line 260 in src/support/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Clippy Output

the loop variable `i` is only used to index `params`

warning: the loop variable `i` is only used to index `params`
   --> src/support/
260 |                 for i in 0..12 {
    |                          ^^^^^
    = help: for further information visit
help: consider using an iterator
260 |                 for <item> in &mut params {
    |                     ~~~~~~    ~~~~~~~~~~~

Check warning on line 147 in src/support/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Clippy Output

the loop variable `i` is only used to index `params`

warning: the loop variable `i` is only used to index `params`
   --> src/support/
147 |                 for i in 0..12 {
    |                          ^^^^^
    = help: for further information visit
help: consider using an iterator
147 |                 for <item> in &mut params {
    |                     ~~~~~~    ~~~~~~~~~~~

Check warning on line 32 in src/support/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Clippy Output

field assignment outside of initializer for an instance created with Default::default()

warning: field assignment outside of initializer for an instance created with Default::default()
  --> src/support/
32 |         h.chunk_type = source.read_u32::<BigEndian>()?;
   |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
note: consider initializing the variable with `support::resource::ChunkHeader { chunk_type: source.read_u32::<BigEndian>()?, size: source.read_u32::<BigEndian>()? }` and removing relevant reassignments
  --> src/support/
31 |         let mut h = ChunkHeader::default();
   |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   = help: for further information visit

Check warning on line 256 in src/support/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Clippy Output

using `clone` on type `Matrix4<f32>` which implements the `Copy` trait

warning: using `clone` on type `Matrix4<f32>` which implements the `Copy` trait
   --> src/support/
256 |         let model: [[f32; 4]; 4] = model.clone().into();
    |                                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try dereferencing it: `(*model)`
    = help: for further information visit
    = note: `#[warn(clippy::clone_on_copy)]` on by default

Check warning on line 206 in src/support/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Clippy Output

this expression creates a reference which is immediately dereferenced by the compiler

warning: this expression creates a reference which is immediately dereferenced by the compiler
   --> src/support/
206 |                         self.draw_actor(name, &transform_stack.last().unwrap(), target, camera);
    |                                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: change this to: `transform_stack.last().unwrap()`
    = help: for further information visit

Check warning on line 202 in src/support/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Clippy Output

dereferencing a tuple pattern where every element takes a reference

warning: dereferencing a tuple pattern where every element takes a reference
   --> src/support/
202 |                 &ActorNode::MeshfileRef(ref name) => {
    |                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    = help: for further information visit
help: try removing the `&` and `ref` parts
202 -                 &ActorNode::MeshfileRef(ref name) => {
202 +                 ActorNode::MeshfileRef(name) => {

Check warning on line 226 in src/support/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Clippy Output

you don't need to add `&` to all patterns

warning: you don't need to add `&` to all patterns
   --> src/support/
185 | /             match {
186 | |                 &ActorNode::Actor { ref name, visible } => {
187 | |                     actor_name = name.clone();
188 | |                     v = visible;
...   |
225 | |                 _ => (),
226 | |             }
    | |_____________^
    = help: for further information visit
    = note: `#[warn(clippy::match_ref_pats)]` on by default
help: instead of prefixing all patterns with `&`, you can dereference the expression
185 ~             match * {
186 ~                 ActorNode::Actor { ref name, visible } => {
187 |                     actor_name = name.clone();
201 |                 }
202 ~                 ActorNode::MeshfileRef(ref name) => {
203 |                     debug_tree(&format!("Mesh {}", name), &actor_name, &transform_stack);
208 |                 }
209 ~                 ActorNode::Transform(t) => {

Check warning on line 162 in src/support/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Clippy Output

this expression creates a reference which is immediately dereferenced by the compiler

warning: this expression creates a reference which is immediately dereferenced by the compiler
   --> src/support/
162 |                         IndexBuffer::new(display, PrimitiveType::TrianglesList, &item).unwrap(),
    |                                                                                 ^^^^^ help: change this to: `item`
    = help: for further information visit

Check warning on line 140 in src/support/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Clippy Output

use of `or_insert` to construct default value

warning: use of `or_insert` to construct default value
   --> src/support/
140 |                 .or_insert(Vec::new());
    |                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try: `or_default()`
    = help: for further information visit

Check warning on line 117 in src/support/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Clippy Output

dereferencing a tuple pattern where every element takes a reference

warning: dereferencing a tuple pattern where every element takes a reference
   --> src/support/
117 |                 &ActorNode::MeshfileRef(ref name) => {
    |                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    = help: for further information visit
help: try removing the `&` and `ref` parts
117 -                 &ActorNode::MeshfileRef(ref name) => {
117 +                 ActorNode::MeshfileRef(name) => {

Check warning on line 122 in src/support/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Clippy Output

you seem to be trying to use `match` for destructuring a single pattern. Consider using `if let`

warning: you seem to be trying to use `match` for destructuring a single pattern. Consider using `if let`
   --> src/support/
116 | /             match {
117 | |                 &ActorNode::MeshfileRef(ref name) => {
118 | |                     debug!("Actor meshfile {}", name);
119 | |                     self.prepare_car_actor(name, car, display);
120 | |                 }
121 | |                 _ => (),
122 | |             }
    | |_____________^
    = help: for further information visit
help: try
116 ~             if let &ActorNode::MeshfileRef(ref name) = {
117 +                 debug!("Actor meshfile {}", name);
118 +                 self.prepare_car_actor(name, car, display);
119 +             }

Check warning on line 85 in src/support/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Clippy Output

use of `or_insert` to construct default value

warning: use of `or_insert` to construct default value
  --> src/support/
85 |                 .or_insert(HashMap::new());
   |                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try: `or_default()`
   = help: for further information visit
   = note: `#[warn(clippy::unwrap_or_default)]` on by default

Check warning on line 81 in src/support/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Clippy Output

you seem to want to iterate on a map's keys

warning: you seem to want to iterate on a map's keys
  --> src/support/
81 |         for (&mat, _) in &self.indices[actor_name] {
   |                          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   = help: for further information visit
help: use the corresponding method
81 |         for &mat in self.indices[actor_name].keys() {
   |             ~~~~    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Check warning on line 58 in src/support/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Clippy Output

you seem to want to iterate on a map's keys

warning: you seem to want to iterate on a map's keys
  --> src/support/
58 |         for (name, _indices) in &self.indices {
   |                                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   = help: for further information visit
   = note: `#[warn(clippy::for_kv_map)]` on by default
help: use the corresponding method
58 |         for name in self.indices.keys() {
   |             ~~~~    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Check warning on line 110 in src/support/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Clippy Output

the loop variable `n` is used to index `uvcoords`

warning: the loop variable `n` is used to index `uvcoords`
   --> src/support/
110 |         for n in 0..uvcoords.len() {
    |                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    = help: for further information visit
help: consider using an iterator and enumerate()
110 |         for (n, <item>) in uvcoords.iter().enumerate() {
    |             ~~~~~~~~~~~    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Check warning on line 105 in src/support/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Clippy Output

the loop variable `i` is used to index `fmlist`

warning: the loop variable `i` is used to index `fmlist`
   --> src/support/
105 |             for i in 0..m.faces.len() {
    |                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    = help: for further information visit
    = note: `#[warn(clippy::needless_range_loop)]` on by default
help: consider using an iterator and enumerate()
105 |             for (i, <item>) in fmlist.iter().enumerate().take(m.faces.len()) {
    |                 ~~~~~~~~~~~    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Check warning on line 104 in src/support/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Clippy Output

length comparison to zero

warning: length comparison to zero
   --> src/support/
104 |         if fmlist.len() > 0 && m.faces.len() == fmlist.len() {
    |            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: using `!is_empty` is clearer and more explicit: `!fmlist.is_empty()`
    = help: for further information visit
    = note: `#[warn(clippy::len_zero)]` on by default

Check warning on line 47 in src/support/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Clippy Output

field assignment outside of initializer for an instance created with Default::default()

warning: field assignment outside of initializer for an instance created with Default::default()
  --> src/support/
47 |         s.v1 = rdr.read_u16::<BigEndian>()?;
   |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
note: consider initializing the variable with `support::mesh::Face { v1: rdr.read_u16::<BigEndian>()?, v2: rdr.read_u16::<BigEndian>()?, v3: rdr.read_u16::<BigEndian>()?, flags: rdr.read_u16::<BigEndian>()?, ..Default::default() }` and removing relevant reassignments
  --> src/support/
46 |         let mut s = Face::default();
   |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
   = help: for further information visit