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Releases: blish-hud/Blish-HUD

Blish HUD v1.2.0

23 Sep 18:03
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🐛 Bug Fixes:

  • Keybinds now only trigger when the exact combination is selected. #862
  • Clicks won't trigger for controls the click didn't start on. #768
  • DPI Scaling improvements for small screens.
  • Fixed API permission checkboxes mistakenly clickable while a module is enabled.
  • Fixed a bug with the "DetailsButton" control.

🥂 New Features:

  • Added "Open ProgramData folder" option to the tray icon.
  • Added "-a, --progdata" launch option.
  • Module fatal errors now display the reason in a tooltip.
  • Log timestamps now indicate the timezone offset.
  • Panels now have an Icon property.
  • Major rewrite of the ArcDPS service.

Other Changes:

  • Added menu click sounds to the menus.
  • New setting to mute Blish HUD when the game is muted.
  • New ModuleLoaded event.
  • New VolumeChanged event.
  • Other bugfixes and improvements.
  • Finishing touches for ArcDps Bridge V2.

Blish HUD v1.1.1

22 Aug 00:56
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Notable Changes & Features

Blish HUD v1.0.0

09 Jan 10:18
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Notable Changes & Features

  • Tons of bug fixes and stability improvements.
  • Automatically detect unsupported configurations to help you know what needs fixed.
  • Scrollbar now feels much less janky.
  • Multiboxing support improvements for LaunchBuddy.
  • Prevent corrupt settings when Blish HUD is suddenly closed while saving.
  • Improved DynamicHUD support to better hide Blish HUD when you don't want it visible.
  • Support for automatically updating to prerelease versions of both Blish HUD and modules.
  • Numerous other behind-the-scenes improvements for module developers.

Blish HUD v0.11.7

27 Feb 16:37
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  • Fixed an issue with animations crashing v0.11.6.

Blish HUD v0.11.6

27 Feb 04:45
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Notable Changes & Features:

  • Lots of French translations added.
  • Improvements made to the German translations.
  • Added support for changing interact key.
  • Added support for enabling debug info from within Blish HUD.
  • Improvements to how the UI behaves when Action Cam is enabled.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue with permission scopes that would cause conflicts when using multiple modules that make requests to the API.
  • Fixed some mouse input control edge cases.
  • Animations at low framerates should now look correct.
  • Fixed window flashing white at launch.
  • Many smaller fixes from information provided by the Error Submission Module (thanks to all who enabled the module - it has helped us identify a lot of rare bugs and crashes!)

Blish HUD v0.11.4

17 Jan 05:41
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Notable Changes & Features:

  • Blish HUD now supports self-update natively! This means it will be easier for us to push more frequent updates.
  • Very old and incompatible module versions are now marked as such in the UI.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue that would prevent mouse input from functioning when AHK or other input tools were used.
  • Fixed excess memory usage when tabbing in and out of Blish HUD.
  • Fixed some UI elements getting cropped when using non-default DPI.
  • Corner icon hover effects tweaked for consistency.

Blish HUD v0.11.2

21 Dec 05:03
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Watch our install video:
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Notable Changes & Features:

  • It's a lot harder to crash Blish HUD on startup and we now better indicate when there are issues that are easy to address (anti-virus blocking us, GW2 launched as admin, etc.).
  • You can now delete modules from within the UI.
  • Pending module updates are now visually indicated in the UI.
  • Option to hide the Blish HUD UI with CTRL + SHIFT + H and UI size can now be manually set.
  • Fixed how some send key calls work to resolve issues with sending numpad and other extended keys for keybindings.
  • DPI detection now works in Win 8 and prior.
  • New launch option to start Guild Wars 2 with Blish HUD (Launch Options).
  • Settings directory can be opened from the notification area icon.
  • We now indicate if mumble link and ArcDPS bridge are connected.

Bug Fixes:

  • Trackbar no longer jumps around when clicked.
  • Only the most recent 6 logs are saved.
  • Windows 7 should no longer have TLS issues when API calls are made.
  • Taskbar icon is now hidden if the game is not running.
  • Setting order is now maintained.
  • Fixed manually specified mumble link names causing duplicate instances.

All in addition to many other contributions.

Blish HUD v0.11.0

24 Sep 05:12
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Watch our new install video:
Check out our troubleshooting guides:
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Notable Changes:

  • DX11 beta support!
  • Fixed the bug that would prevent you from pasting your API key in.
  • Improved module failure feedback.
  • Our textboxes support SHIFT now!
  • Blish HUD is now a lot harder to crash with outdated modules.
  • Optional camera smoothing support.
  • Optional DPI awareness.
  • UI performance improvements.
  • Settings now support localization.
  • Improved FPS limiters including synchronizing with the game.
  • We now support portable mode!
  • Pressing ESC can close Blish HUD windows now.
  • Blish HUD windows can be moved in front of other Blish HUD windows now.
  • Blish HUD windows now remember where they were when you open them again.
  • Fixed a bug that would prevent your API consent settings from being properly applied.
  • Support for several new modules.
  • Tons more behind the scenes...

Blish HUD v0.7.0

16 Feb 16:36
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⚠ Are you using the DX11 beta?

If so, you need to use the prerelease which can be found in our Discord channel. The prerelease also brings other improvements such as support for our new marker and paths module and much more.

What’s Changed

Notable Changes

  • Updated to Gw2Sharp v1.0.0
  • Improved textbox control (alt keys no longer blocked)
  • Fix audio crashes
  • Fixed settings not always saving
  • Blish HUD no longer crashes if TacO is ran as administrator
  • Further audio customizations such as choosing output device, manual volume, etc. (Thanks @Denrage!)
  • Fixed restart Blish HUD option not always working
  • Module repo support

Module repo support 🎉

A major new feature is the ability to download and update modules automatically by using the new module repo tab under settings. Modules no longer have to be added manually to the modules folder and can instead be downloaded or upgraded with a single click. You can see this in action below:

Existing modules that you have will automatically be detected and can be updated by the new repo system.

Blish HUD v0.6.1

15 Oct 07:24
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What’s Changed

Notable Changes

  • Minor updates to the module management screens which now include settings, API permissions, and dependencies
  • Setting API improvements
  • Audio matching (Blish HUD will now try to play sound effects at the same volume as your game)
  • Blish HUD now uses a Blish emblem and not just some random droid (Blish's vest was missing)
  • Chinese KZW.exe client now detected
  • If no modules are installed, a screen will now inform you to go and download modules
  • Updated to Gw2Sharp v0.11.0
  • Added ColorTint parameter support to trail and marker effects
  • Added trail fade (customizations for this coming in the future)
  • Improved scrollbar control
  • Added --pid launch option (thanks @TheMrMilchmann!)
  • Added additional French translations (thanks @Pandraghon!)


  • Fixed mouse input issues while in windowed mode
  • Fixed audio crash

This release comes with a good number of bug fixes and improved APIs for modules. Most modules should be compatible with this version.
As always, though, it's recommended that you download the latest version of the modules from here:

Community modules compiled for this release are in the ZIP attached below 🔽 (
Latest ArcDps Bridge Release:
Latest Killproof Module: