Blish HUD v0.11.0
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Notable Changes:
- DX11 beta support!
- Fixed the bug that would prevent you from pasting your API key in.
- Improved module failure feedback.
- Our textboxes support SHIFT now!
- Blish HUD is now a lot harder to crash with outdated modules.
- Optional camera smoothing support.
- Optional DPI awareness.
- UI performance improvements.
- Settings now support localization.
- Improved FPS limiters including synchronizing with the game.
- We now support portable mode!
- Pressing ESC can close Blish HUD windows now.
- Blish HUD windows can be moved in front of other Blish HUD windows now.
- Blish HUD windows now remember where they were when you open them again.
- Fixed a bug that would prevent your API consent settings from being properly applied.
- Support for several new modules.
- Tons more behind the scenes...