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shekhark edited this page Dec 22, 2012 · 1 revision

ChaloBEST Incubator Agenda December 2012 to May 2013

  • Bounty system broken into tasks
  • Tasks assigned to days/hours and hackers
  • Rs 3,000 daily rate for work of 8 hours
  • Rs 5,00,000 (five lakhs) total budget
  • 150 full days of work = Rs 4,50,000
  • Expense account = Rs 50,000

    • Documentation of import process for fresh BEST data (due upon completion of SMS app to demo to BEST)

    • Enhanced hierarchical ordering and/or clustering of stops

      • For enhancing SMS search (Khodadad Circle, railways stations, other stops with close variants)
    • Separate out route number and route type from route codes in db and provide lookup tables for route types

      • Lookup tables for variants of route types (L, LTD., Ring, AS, AS-EXP, etc.)
    • Joining of BEST shelter code table to multiple shelters per stop

      • Extend DB schema with lat-lons for mapping shelters per stop
    • For "bus-spotting" nerds, features for commenting and tracking individual numbered buses

    • Create DB schema and provide interface for users to "log" their journey based on GPS position

      • Extend DB schema to store lat-lons per user and per route
      • "Share my location" on mobile web and Android apps
      • "I'm on this bus" activates GPS logging on route pages
      • Explore uses and policies for using GPS logs to augment system, including lat-lon, timestamps, and route information.
      • Generate rough line segments for roads and polygons for areas based on OpenStreetMap, GPS logs and stop locations.
    • Additional Datasets:

      • Suburban Railways
      • Thane TMT
      • Navi Mumbai NMMT
      • Cycle Rental/Share (Mool-a-Roop, Cycle Chalao)
  2. SMS

    • Message splitting for content greater than 160 characters

    • Normalization of route types and lookups for search

    • Determining thresholds and similarity measures for string matching

    • Populating alternate names for Greater Mumbai via crowd-sourcing

    • Enhancement of query grammar and fine-tuning of reply syntax

    • Ordering of results in reply by route number and type

    • Provide average frequencies on from-to queries

    • User authentication by SMS integrated with web user accounts

    • Handle change-overs in SMS (use OTP API, or ... ?)

    • Research on costs and feasibility of SMS gateway or modem array

    • Final debugging of multiple SMS problems and modem-RapidSMS communications

    • Exploring Indian language support for queries and replies using Unicode

  3. WEB

    • API design, development and documentation for app developers

    • Implement simple web design css/html for route, stop, and area pages based on earlier work

    • Implement user contribution features, at multiple levels (New Data + Data Verification)

    • Start work on a 'printable infobox version' that can be stuck on bus stops

    • Integrate user comments / other interactions (?) on area, stop and route pages.


    • Enabling passengers to use either train, bus or both together for a trip.

    • Exploring integration of ChaloBEST web site and services with OTP RESTful API

      • Direct integration of multi-modal routing in web framework
    • Final publication of GTFS Mumbai 1.0 with November 2012 BEST DB

    • Work towards GTFS Mumbai 2.0 with railways and real-time

      • Mumbai Suburban Railway data integration and updating
      • Railway station locations from OSM and data from web scraper.
      • GTFS-Realtime
      • Enabling real time updates to transit information on delays, road blocks, festivals
      • Crowd-sourced location and time information to reflect in routing system.
    • Handle change-overs/transfers in SMS and on website (use OTP API, or ... ?)



    • Documentation writing on web, sms, android stack

    • Streamlining of wiki, issue tracker and code repository

    • Beta testing programme for tech-savvy users

    • Development of user storyboards

    • Targetted user research on beta testers

    • Hackathons for bus nerds from Delhi, Chennai, Pune

    • Print media: stickers, placards, timetables, route and area booklets

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