This repo is a voluntarily growing resource that publishes Turkish translations of essays on Paul Graham's personal webpage.
EN: Many thanks to all the translators who supported the volunteer project.
- How to Work Hard - Nasıl Sıkı Çalışılır
- Six Principles for Making New Things - Yeni Şeyler Yaratmanın Altı İlkesi
- Fierce Nerds - Azılı İnekler
- Lies We Tell Kids - Çocuklara Söylediğimiz Yalanlar
- Writing and Speaking - Yazma ve Konuşma
- The Real Reason to End the Death Penalty - Idam Cezasını Sona Erdirmenin Gerçek Nedeni
- Copy What You Like - Beğendiğini Kopyala
- Organic Startup Ideas - Organik Startup Fikirleri
- Return of the Mac - Mac'in Geri Dönüşü
- See Randomness - Rastlantısallığı Gör
- The Bus Ticket Theory of Genius - Dehanın Otobüs Bileti Teorisi
- The Hardest Lessons for Startups to Learn - Startuplar İçin Öğrenmesi En Zor Dersler
- The Python Paradox - Python Paradoksu
- What Languages Fix - Programlama Dilleri Neyi Çözdü
- The Four Quadrants of Conformism - Konforizmin Dört Çeyreği
- Writing, Briefly - Yazmak, Kısaca
- Life is Short - Hayat kısa
- How People get Rich Now - İnsanlar şimdi nasıl zengin oluyor
- How to Write Usefully - Nasıl Faydalı Yazılır
- The Island Test - Ada Testi
- What Business Can Learn from Open Source - İşletmeler Açık Kaynaktan Neler Öğrenebilir
- A Way to Detect Bias - Önyargıyı Tespit Etmenin Bir Yolu
- A Student's Guide to Startups - Öğrenciler için Startup Rehberi
- The Airbnbs - Airbnb'ler
- Why Twitter is a Big Deal - Twitter Neden Büyük Bir Fırsat
- Charisma / Power - Karizma / Güç
- Being a Noob - Acemi Olmak
- General and Surprising - Genel ve Şaşırtıcı
- Crazy New Ideas - Çılgın Yeni Fikirler
- Where to See Silicon Valley - Silikon Vadisi Nerede Görülmeli
- Before the Startup - Startup'dan Önce
- How You Know - Nasıl biliyorsun
- The Risk of Discovery - Keşif Riski
- Novelty and Heresy - Yenilik ve Sapkınlık
- What Kate Saw in Silicon Walley - Kate Silikon Vadisi'nde Ne Gördü
- Early Work - Erken Çalışmalar
- Weird Languages
- An NFT That Saves Lives
- Donate Unrestricted
- Programming Bottom-Up
Many thanks to all the translators who supported the volunteer project.
Translator | Count |
Mert Cobanov | 2 |
Fethi Tekyaygil | 1 |
Eylül Kırdak | 1 |
Mustafa Enes Güneruz | 1 |
Ayşe Nur Erdem | 1 |
Nurettin Abacı | 3 |
Mustafa Durmuş | 1 |
İrem Komurcu | 1 |
İrem Akyol | 2 |
Vusal Ismayilov | 1 |
Ozan Sülükpınar | 1 |
Zeynep Evecen | 1 |
Mert Bozkurt | 1 |
Doğancan Mavideniz | 1 |
Güldeniz Bektaş | 2 |
Bora Kış | 7 |
Furkan Yeşilyurt | 4 |
In order not to translate the same essay, when you start a translation, you can specify it in the issue section. At the same time, you can come to our Discord Channel to get suggestions and communication from other friends in translation.
You can contribute in two ways, the first is to translate new essays as you can imagine, the second is to send us the mistakes you find in the translated articles or your better suggestion. We are open to any kind of contribution.
It is very easy to contribute to the project, if you want, send a Pull Request, or you can send us your translation by e-mail.
The translations are completely voluntary, so we kindly ask you not to send automatic translations, test the language suitability by reading aloud to yourself after translation, all submitted translations will be added to the repo after a final check.
Paul Graham was contacted directly for this project and I am very happy that he gave us the necessary permissions.
Mert Cobanov
EN: For all your questions and suggestions within the scope of the project, you can reach me at the two addresses below.
- Twitter: mertcobanov
- Mail: