Introduce boxed types for margins and handling of input #4402
There were 6 warnings
src/vtbackend/Terminal_test.cpp:402: warning: avoid do-while loops [cppcoreguidelines-avoid-do-while]
src/vtbackend/ViInputHandler.cpp:426: warning: parameter name 'ch' is too short, expected at least 3 characters [readability-identifier-length]
src/vtbackend/ViInputHandler.cpp:473: warning: parameter name 'ch' is too short, expected at least 3 characters [readability-identifier-length]
src/vtbackend/ViInputHandler.h:191: warning: parameter name 'ch' is too short, expected at least 3 characters [readability-identifier-length]
src/vtbackend/ViInputHandler.h:239: warning: parameter name 'ch' is too short, expected at least 3 characters [readability-identifier-length]
src/vtbackend/ViInputHandler.h:240: warning: parameter name 'ch' is too short, expected at least 3 characters [readability-identifier-length]
Check warning on line 402 in src/vtbackend/Terminal_test.cpp
github-actions / clang-tidy-review
warning: avoid do-while loops [cppcoreguidelines-avoid-do-while]
REQUIRE(appHandledMouse == Handled{false});
<summary>Additional context</summary>
**_deps/sources/Catch2-3.4.0/src/catch2/catch_test_macros.hpp:124:** expanded from macro 'REQUIRE'
#define REQUIRE( ... ) INTERNAL_CATCH_TEST( "REQUIRE", Catch::ResultDisposition::Normal, __VA_ARGS__ )
**_deps/sources/Catch2-3.4.0/src/catch2/internal/catch_test_macro_impl.hpp:44:** expanded from macro 'INTERNAL_CATCH_TEST'
do { /* NOLINT(bugprone-infinite-loop) */ \
Check warning on line 426 in src/vtbackend/ViInputHandler.cpp
github-actions / clang-tidy-review
warning: parameter name 'ch' is too short, expected at least 3 characters [readability-identifier-length]
Handled ViInputHandler::handleSearchEditor(char32_t ch, Modifiers modifiers)
Check warning on line 473 in src/vtbackend/ViInputHandler.cpp
github-actions / clang-tidy-review
warning: parameter name 'ch' is too short, expected at least 3 characters [readability-identifier-length]
Handled ViInputHandler::sendCharPressEvent(char32_t ch, Modifiers modifiers)
Check warning on line 191 in src/vtbackend/ViInputHandler.h
github-actions / clang-tidy-review
warning: parameter name 'ch' is too short, expected at least 3 characters [readability-identifier-length]
Handled sendCharPressEvent(char32_t ch, Modifiers modifiers) override;
Check warning on line 239 in src/vtbackend/ViInputHandler.h
github-actions / clang-tidy-review
warning: parameter name 'ch' is too short, expected at least 3 characters [readability-identifier-length]
Handled handleSearchEditor(char32_t ch, Modifiers modifiers);
Check warning on line 240 in src/vtbackend/ViInputHandler.h
github-actions / clang-tidy-review
warning: parameter name 'ch' is too short, expected at least 3 characters [readability-identifier-length]
Handled handleModeSwitches(char32_t ch, Modifiers modifiers);