This repository is code written by myself as a way to gain familiarity and mastery over basic reinforcement learning algorithms. Much of the algorithms here are adapted from OpenAI's spinningup or baselines. This library will be implemented using pytorch.
LunarLanderContinuous-v2 solved was solved in ~260 episodes using DDPG.
To reproduce, execute the following
python --env LunarLanderContinuous-v2 --tau 0.001
To view pre-trained agents, execute python experiments/LunarLanderContinuous-v2/luna_v2 --render
or luna_v1
was trained in 270 episodes and has a 100-episode average of 250 whereas luna_v1
has a 100-episode average of only 220.
Pendulum-v2 has no solved
threshold, however, it clearly achieves its goal of keeping the pendulum upright when reviewed visually.
To reproduce, execute
python --env Pendulum-v0
To view pre-trained agents, execute python experiments/Pendulum-v0/DDPG_1 --render
or DDPG_2
. Both solve the environment, though DDPG_1
was trained 'incorrectly' due to unscaled actions (ie action range was [-1,1] instead of [-2,2]).
MountainCarContinuous-v0 solved at ~1000 episodes, possibly sooner depending on seed due to need for "successful" exploration of the left slope.
To reproduce, execute python --env MountainCarContinuous-v0
To view pre-trained agents, execute python experiments/MountainCarContinuous-v0/DDPG_1 --render
BipedalWalker-v3 unsolved but gets very close to solving. Consistently hits the upper 290 points but rarely goes to 300.
To reproduce, execute python --env BipedalWalker-v3 --q_lr 0.002
To view pre-trained agent, execute python -r experiments/BipedalWalker-v3/DDPG_1 --render
Solved after 1500 episodes with a > 4800 average over 100 episodes.
To reproduce, execute python --env HalfCheetah-v2
To view pre-trained again, execute python -r experiments/HalfCheetah-v2/ddpg_1 --render
Partial solve with > 4500 average over 100 episodess (solved is > 6000 average over 100 episodes).
To reproduce, execute python --env Ant-v2
To view pre-trained again, execute python -r experiments/Ant-v2/ddpg_1 --render
python 3.6.10
gym 0.16.0
numpy 1.18.1
torch 1.3.1
CUDA Specific dependencies:
cudnn 7.6.5
cudatoolkit 10.1.243
- Implement PPO and TRPO policies
- Change
to createreplay_buffer_size
length of zero arrays as a placeholder so as to avoid out of memory errors as theReplayBuffer
fills up
- Add ability to resume training from pre-trained models