A single page static site MathHammer calculator. MathHammer is a method of measuring a units' effectiveness by using averages, for players of the Warhammer 40k tabletop game.
- Rerolling ones to hit and wound, with a to wound mod, yields less wounds than either option on its own...rather odd.
- Is there a discrepancy in unsaved wounds when using a reroll hit/wound one and a wound/hit modifier?
- There's some weirdness when armour save isn't entered or is 7. So basically if a unit has no save.
- Updated average damage and shots on d6 to be more accurate, using 3.5.
- Armour saves with high AP weapons was functioning incorrectly.
- Issue with reroll ones to hit/wound paired with reroll wound/hit not working.
- Add validation on inputs
- Ability to input multiple weapons
- Bonus features, not priority
- Options for things like Feel no pain? Cover?
- AP modifying / mortal wound abilities like eldar bladestorm and sniper rifles
- Quantum shielding
- reroll/reroll ones armour saves
- Some weapons get multiple d6 damage or shots
- Requested features
- Allow users to see damage dealt from the attacking model, regardless of models removed. So 0.06 Unsaved Wounds, dealing 2 damage each, would result in 0.12 damage against multi-wound targets. Used for whole unit shooting. Need to add multi weapon support, for now shot values can be multiplied.
- Compare different units and weapon configurations. Will require a lot of entry fields since can't use stats storage. Maybe have a "history" table? Highlight row with best results?
- Damage per point is an important metric in tournament list building.
- Show users a breakdown of damage & DPP against multiple toughness levels, and show them overall average Damage & DPP stats. For example. How good is a strength 4 weapon against toughness range 3 through 7?
- Generated site using jekyll
- Styled theme
- Set up input form
- Wrote JS, Functionality includes:
- Flamers
- large and small blasts
- invul saves
- full re-rolls and any modifiers, combinations of the two
- Updated columns to improve tab navigation
- Some test cases complete
- D<W
- D=W
- D>W
- D>>W
- Invul < Save
- Invul = Save
- Invul > Save
- Actual Save > 6
- Actual Save < 6 Believe they are all functioning correctly
- Fixed issue with unsaved wounds. Didn't realise was returning successful saves instead of fails...
- Fixed issues with multiwound vs multidamage. Should be calculating models removed correctly now.
- Added Google Analytics
- Created new email account and added to footer for contact
- Reroll ones to hit and to wound functionality added
- 2d6 pick highest damage weapons added
- Huge re-factor of JavaScript. Makes way more sense now...and it fixed reroll one/all combo issue