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Danny SMc edited this page May 13, 2021 · 4 revisions

Feature: Services

A service is a class that gets called every defined amount of seconds. You can use services to do background tasks.

1. Create the structure.
The below will create a new folder: ./src/service and then create a new file inside.

mkdir ./src/service
touch ./src/service/example.ts

2. Create the service code.
The below is a simple example of creating a service, the interface IService defines the structure of the service and defines the required function.

// Import our package parts.
import { Service, AbstractService, IService } from 'rewyre';
import { LoggerProvider } from '../provider/logger';
import { PeopleModel } from '../model/people';

@Inject(['logger', 'people'])
@Service('example_service', 10)
export class ExampleService extends AbstractService implements IService {

	protected logger!: LoggerProvider;
	protected people!: PeopleModel;

	public async execute(): Promise<void> {
		const people: Array<any> = await this.people.find({});
		this.logger.notice('EXAMPLE:SERVICE', `There are ${people.length} people in our database.`);

3. Register the service.
So we have a service, but we have not registered it, so let's go back to our ./src/application.ts file and register it.

import { Framework } from 'rewyre';
import { PeopleController } from '../controller/people';
import { PeopleModel } from '../model/people';
import { LoggerProvider } from '../provider/logger';

// Import the service.
import { ExampleService } from '../service/example';

(async () => {

	const application: Framework = new Framework({
		port: 8080,
		database: true,
		databases: [
				unique: 'main',
				host: 'localhost',
				port: 27017,
				name: 'demo-rewyre-app',
				driver: Drivers.MONGO,
				default: true,

	// Register the class.
	application.register([ PeopleController, PeopleModel, LoggerProvider, ExampleService ]);

	await application.start();

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