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WebSocket Server

Danny edited this page Jun 2, 2021 · 7 revisions

Feature: WebSocket Support

The WebSocket server that is in use, is the ws and the wrapper: express-ws.

The WebSocket support has two types for permissions, this is full which allows WebSocket access to all controllers and all methods, or partial which means for a controller and/or method to be allowed, you must enable WebSocket support in each controller and class, you can do this by adding true as the third argument to the @Controller() or @Route() decorators. In this example we will just use full access.

1. Enable WebSocket support.
The below we shall add the extra options to the application config, and then define the path, by default websocket is disabled and the default websocket path is: /ws.

import { Framework } from 'rewyre';
import { PeopleController } from '../controller/people';
import { PeopleModel } from '../model/people';
import { LoggerProvider } from '../provider/logger';
import { ExampleService } from '../service/example';

(async () => {

	const application: Framework = new Framework({
		port: 8080,
		websocket: true,	// Enabled WebSocket, the default path and access is fine.
		database: true,
		databases: [
				unique: 'main',
				host: 'localhost',
				port: 27017,
				name: 'demo-rewyre-app',
				driver: Drivers.MONGO,
				default: true,

	application.register([ PeopleController, PeopleModel, LoggerProvider, ExampleService ]);

	await application.start();

2. Write some front-end code and test it.
The below is a very simple example to create a connection, we are assuming this is running on localhost and so is the code below. As you will see we use the namespace and the method instead to access controller methods, this is to make sure the router can find the right controller and route, and uses standard error checking.

const socket = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:8080/ws');
socket.addEventListener('open' (event) => {
	console.log('Socket Connected', event);
		command: 'people/index',
		content: {},
socket.addEventListener('close', (event) => { console.log('Connection Closed', event); });
socket.addEventListener('error', (event) => { console.log('Connection Error', event); });
socket.addEventListener('message', (event) => { console.log('Data From Socket', event); });


As part of 2.2.0 there was a new introduction for WebSockets called the WSHelper, which is a built-in inject, which is given to every module registered in the framework and offers some extra functionality for managing and working with WebSockets, see the function list below.


In any module do the following:

import { Controller, AbstractController, Route, IReturn, WSHelper } from 'rewyre';

@Controller('/hello', 'hello')
export class HelloController extends AbstractController {

    public websocket!: WSHelper;

    @Route('GET', '/')
    public async index(): Promise<IReturn> {
        return { status: 200, content: 'Broadcasted message over all connected WS clients.' };

Available Functions

Function Params Description Return
broadcast message: string, subscriptions?: Array Broadcasts a raw message as a string to all connected clients, optional subscriptions array can be given to broadcast to only specific connections with specific subscriptions. boolean
send id: string, message: string Sends a raw string to a specific client, ID is the sec-websocket-key. boolean
createPacket command: string, content: any Creates a packet that can then be sent with the packet specific commands below, a packet is a way of structuring data, and is the same structure expected by the framework. IPacket
sendPacket id: string, packet: IPacket Sends an IPacket instance to a specific client, ID is the sec-websocket-key. boolean
broadcastPacket packet: IPacket, subscriptions?: Array<string> Broadcasts an IPacket instance to all connected clients, optional subscriptions array can be given to broadcast to only specific connections with specific subscriptions. boolean
addSubscription id: string, subscription: string Adds a subscription to a client identified by the sec-websocket-key, a subscription is a simple string. boolean
removeSubscription id: string, subscription: string Removes a subscription to a client identified by the sec-websocket-key, a subscription is a simple string. boolean
hasSubscription id: string, subscription: string Checks if the user has a specific subscription, identified by sec-websocket-key. boolean
getSubscriptions id: string Gets a list of all subscriptions a connection currently has assigned, identified by sec-websocket-key. Array
setSessionItem id: string, key: string, value: any Sets a session key and value to an ID (sec-websocket-key) for that user, all data is deleted on disconnect of the connection. boolean
getSessionItem id: string, key: string Gets a session key and value to an ID (sec-websocket-key) for that user, all data is deleted on disconnect of the connection. any
hasSessionItem id: string, key: string Checks if a session key for a user by ID (sec-websocket-key) exists, this is checked by not undefined. boolean
getSessionKeys id: string Gets an array of session keys for the connection identified by sec-websocket-key. Array

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