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This section will contain all esearch we have conductedrelated to our domain and project. The proposal below contains a vast majority of our research conducted and is a recommended read in order to understand what we hoep to accomplish with our project. One thing I feel that it is importatn to note is that originally, prior to our interview with Dr. Boden, we were attemtping to create a prototype that would remove the need for teachers to be taught how to use technology. The reason for this is throughout our research we discovered taht teachers were afraid of using technology in the classroom and the solution was to teach teachers how to use this technology. At the time we did not view this as a solution, but after our interview with Dr. Boden we discovered how wrong we were. Not only is training with the technology important but there should be more of it and more access to support. Teachers need the ability to have in classroom support when using the technology. So not only is it not recommended to remove that ability of training but there should be more of it.

With further research [6] conducted it has been shown that teaching teachers not just how to use the technology but also how to implement it into there classrooms has resulted in more teachers imlementing technology into there curriculum. This particular study linked below conducted a study with 424 participants that awere a mixture of inclass teachers and administrators such as principles and vice-pinciples. The findings after teaching them how to use and implement the technology in there classrooms, was an increase of technology being implemented into there curriculum. The course was designed to help candidaetes become confident with using technoogy teools and this course showed very promosing results. These results show the importance and impact of supporting tehnology training for teachers and how it helps teachers use more technology in classrooms.

With conducting our own interviews it has been shown that when first asked to use the VR headset they participants had very little confidence but once being exposed and guided through the process they becamse more creatie and explorative i the enviroment and attempting to try dfferetnt things. Once shown how to properly use the technology, most saw the potential VR had to being implemented in classrooms.

Throughout all of our research [1,2,3,4,5,6] the common solution to increasing teacher confident in technlogy tools is to provide support and training for them. Liberman[3] poses the solution of teachers learning together as a group in order to overcome there fear with technology.

[1] P. Curtis and education correspondent, ‘Report reveals teachers’ fear of classroom technology’, The Guardian, 13-Sep-2005. Available: . [Accessed: 26/10/2018],

[2] G. Hopkins, ‘Training Teachers Who Are Terrorized by Technology | Education World’, 28-Jan-2013. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 26-Oct-2018].

[3] W. Liberman, ‘Are Teachers Afraid of Technology?’, Education for Today and Tomorrow | L’Education Aujourd’hui et Demain. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 26-Oct-2018].

[4] L. Starr, ‘Encouraging Teacher Technology Use | Education World’, 31-Mar-2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 26-Oct-2018].

[5] L. Watanabe-Crockett, ‘Why You Shouldn’t Be Afraid to Begin Integrating Classroom Technology’, Global Digital Citizen Foundation, 31-Oct-2017. [Blog] . Avaliable: . [Accessed: 26/10/18]

[6] J. Willis, B. Weiser, and D. Smith, ‘Increasing teacher confidence in teaching and technology use through vicarious experiences within an environmental education context’, Applied Environmental Education & Communication, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 199–213, Jul. 2016. [Journal Article] . . [Accessed: 26/10/18]


Link to Proposal Wiki


All requirements relating to this project can be found on our wiki under the Requirements heading or individually below:


Scenario of use one. Depicts a storyboard of a teacher that is not comfortable in using technology in the classroom and how through having supprt and training is now comofrtable in using this technology.

Scenario of use two. This storybaord depicts a physics student coming across our application and seeing its potentia benefits it could bring to his physics class. Knowing that his physics teacher is reluctant in using technology he view this as a opputrunity to teach his teacher how to become comfortable around technology.

Interactive prototype/s (interim and final)

Interactive Prototypes

To view all build history go here to the build folder. To view an individual build click on the links below. Each build is a apk which is designed to go on a android phone. If you would like to test a build on your phone go here to learn how to install a build on your android phone.

build 23/09/18

build 02/10/18

build 10/10/18

build 17/10/18

Final Prototype(build)

This is a link to the final prototype build that can be installed on any android phone. To be used with a google cardboard.

How to deploy and use our prototype

Please go to the following wiki age titled Instillation running the prototype is aimed at just installing a .apk on your phone and putting it in a Google Cardboard VR headset.

Stand Ups

GitHub Repository and Documentation

All our documentation can be found on the GitHub wiki and navigated through with the side panel on the right which has been layed out hopefully in a meaningful manor.

Ongoing Documentation of Work

All ongoing documentation of work can be seen in the github issues or this wiki page which contains links to all issues completed and by what team member. Thsi page is exactly identical to the one you would see in the design process heading under "Who did What"

Design Process Overview

Can be found on this wiki page

Showcase: Conference Poster and supporting promotional material

Conference Poster

Conference poster as a PDF made by @ManshadAli

Supporting Material

Brocure made by @s4515511

Link to Google Drive folder with Raw user data if link broken send a email to to receive access privilages


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