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User Stories

cutierobot edited this page Oct 26, 2018 · 19 revisions

User story 1

  • As a teacher user, I would like an interactive classroom where I can impart abstract knowledge to students with the help of digital technologies. So that it will help them to understand the content.

User story 2

  • As a student user, I wish to have a technology that we could have fun with. So that I can understand the content better and in an enjoyable manner.

User story 3

  • As a student user, I need a way that will help me memorise content knowledge. So that, I can learn efficiently and effectively.

User story 4

  • As a teacher user, I want to present content in an interesting way. So that children will have a different way of understanding the concept I am trying to get across in an authentic manner.

User Story 5

  • As a teacher, I want a technology that is simple to use and provides educational support for my students, so that I don't feel embarrassed that I might mess up when using the technology in front of my students or have no knowledge of how to help the students use the technology in class. User story 6
  • As a teacher user, I would like the students to have hands-on experience with certain concepts. So that they have a better understanding of the content I teach them in my class.

User story 8

  • As a school teacher, I need a technology that relates the knowledge I teach in class to the real world(authentic learning). So that, students can have a comprehensive understanding of the knowledge.

User story 9

  • As a student, I would prefer if any concept is based on a real-world example or activity.

User story 10

  • As a teacher, I would like the knowledge content to be easy and understandable to the student can easily understand and assimilate the concepts.

User story 11

  • As a researcher, I can use the immersive education environment to observe if such educational setting can help students understand things better.

User story 12

  • As a researcher, it would be a good study if I can make empirical evidence out of such observations and present my recommendations.