ROS project to practice Navigation in a Home Service Robot Simulation.
In this project, the robot is performing Navigation and AMCL localization as it travels towards a yellow cube (Depicting a virtual Object). When the robot reaches the Pick Up Zone of the Cube, the cube disappears and the robot waits 5 seconds to simulate pick up time. Then the robot travels to the predetermined goal position and drops off the cube there (The cube will appear there instantly to simulate a drop off)
In the above screenshot, you can see the yellow cube at the robot's position.
ROS Kinetic & Ubuntu 16.04
- Create a Catkin Workspace and clone the individual folders of the repo inside of the 'src' folder.
- Clone the following packages in the src folder :
- Change directory back to the catkin workspace and execute
- On the terminal itself, change to the scripts folder inside src.
chmod +x
- This command above will start the whole process and the last 2 terminals will inform you which zone the robot has reached.