Dataset being used : Sentiment 140
I. PreProcessing :
1. Remove URL
2. Remove @
3. Remove Apostrophe
4. Remove Newline
5. Replace Emoticons with suitable text
6. Remove stopwords
7. Stemming (PorterStemmer)
8. Spell Correction
9. Regex Tokenization
II. Data Training :
1. Count Vectorization
2. LinearSVC - Non Convergent
3. Gaussian RBF SVC
4. Polynomial SVC
5. Decision Trees
III. Word Embeddings :
1. Word2Vec
2. Glove
3. Count Vectorizer
4. TF-IDF Vectorizer
5. Word2Vec with TF-IDF
7. BERT with TF-IDF
8. GPT-2
IV. Results :
1. Gaussian RBF
2. Polynomial SVC
3. DecisionTree
V. Tests:
1. Confusion Matrix
3. Sklearn accuracy metric
4. Precision
5. Recall
6. F1 Score