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Group Aggregation Query

2881099 edited this page Dec 18, 2023 · 11 revisions

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static IFreeSql fsql = new FreeSql.FreeSqlBuilder()
    .UseConnectionString(FreeSql.DataType.MySql, connectionString)
     //Be sure to define as singleton mode

class Topic 
    [Column(IsIdentity = true, IsPrimary = true)]
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public int Clicks { get; set; }
    public string Title { get; set; }
    public DateTime CreateTime { get; set; }

Group Aggregation

var list = fsql.Select<Topic>()
    .GroupBy(a => new { tt2 = a.Title.Substring(0, 2), mod4 = a.Id % 4 })
    .Having(a => a.Count() > 0 && a.Avg(a.Key.mod4) > 0 && a.Max(a.Key.mod4) > 0)
    .Having(a => a.Count() < 300 || a.Avg(a.Key.mod4) < 100)
    .OrderBy(a => a.Key.tt2)
    .OrderByDescending(a => a.Count())
    .ToList(a => new 
        cou1 = a.Count(), 
        arg1 = a.Avg(a.Value.Clicks), 
        arg2 = a.Sum(a.Value.Clicks > 100 ? 1 : 0)

//substr(a.`Title`, 1, 2) as1, 
//count(1) as2, 
//avg(a.`Clicks`) as3, 
//sum(case when a.`Clicks` > 100 then 1 else 0 end) as4 
//FROM `Topic` a 
//GROUP BY substr(a.`Title`, 1, 2), (a.`Id` % 4) 
//HAVING (count(1) > 0 AND avg((a.`Id` % 4)) > 0 AND max((a.`Id` % 4)) > 0) AND (count(1) < 300 OR avg((a.`Id` % 4)) < 100)
//ORDER BY substr(a.`Title`, 1, 2), count(1) DESC

To find the aggregate value without grouping, please use ToAggregate instead of ToList

var list = fsql.Select<Topic>()
    .ToAggregate(a => new 
        cou1 = a.Count(), 
        arg1 = a.Avg(a.Key.Clicks), 
        arg2 = a.Sum(a.Key.Clicks > 100 ? 1 : 0)

Navigation Property Grouping

If Topic has the navigation property Category, and Category has the navigation property Area, the navigation property grouping code is as follows:

var list = fsql.Select<Topic>()
    .GroupBy(a => new { a.Clicks, a.Category })
    .ToList(a => new { a.Key.Category.Area.Name });

Note: Write as above, an error will be reported and cannot be resolved a.Key.Category.Area.Name. The solution is to use Include:

var list = fsql.Select<Topic>()
    .Include(a => a.Category.Area)
    //This line must be added, 
    //otherwise only the Category will be grouped without its sub-navigation property Area

    .GroupBy(a => new { a.Clicks, a.Category })
    .ToList(a => new { a.Key.Category.Area.Name });

However, you can also solve it like this:

var list = fsql.Select<Topic>()
    .GroupBy(a => new { a.Clicks, a.Category, a.Category.Area })
    .ToList(a => new { a.Key.Area.Name });

Multi-table Grouping

var list = fsql.Select<Topic, Category, Area>()
    .GroupBy((a, b, c) => new { a.Title, c.Name })
    .Having(g => g.Count() < 300 || g.Avg(g.Value.Item1.Clicks) < 100)
    .ToList(g => new { count = g.Count(), Name = g.Key.Name });
  • g.Value.Item1 corresponds to Topic
  • g.Value.Item2 corresponds to Category
  • g.Value.Item3 corresponds to Area
说明 方法 SQL
总数 .Count() select count(*) from ...
求和 .Sum(a => a.Score) select sum([Score]) from ...
平均 .Avg(a => a.Score) select avg([Score]) from ...
最大值 .Max(a => a.Score) select max([Score]) from ...
最小值 .Min(a => a.Score) select min([Score]) from ...
lambda sql 说明
SqlExt.IsNull(id, 0) isnull/ifnull/coalesce/nvl 兼容各大数据库
SqlExt.DistinctCount(id) count(distinct id)
SqlExt.GreaterThan > 大于
SqlExt.GreaterThanOrEqual >= 大于或等于
SqlExt.LessThan < 小于
SqlExt.LessThanOrEqual <= 小于
SqlExt.EqualIsNull IS NULL 是否为 NULL
SqlExt.Case(字典) case when .. end 根据字典 case
SqlExt.GroupConcat group_concat(distinct .. order by .. separator ..) MySql
SqlExt.FindInSet find_in_set(str, strlist) MySql
SqlExt.StringAgg string_agg(.., ..) PostgreSQL
SqlExt.Rank().Over().PartitionBy().ToValue() rank() over(partition by xx) 开窗函数
SqlExt.DenseRank().Over().PartitionBy().ToValue() dense_rank() over(partition by xx)
SqlExt.Count(id).Over().PartitionBy().ToValue() count(id) over(partition by xx)
SqlExt.Sum(id).Over().PartitionBy().ToValue() sum(id) over(partition by xx)
SqlExt.Avg(id).Over().PartitionBy().ToValue() avg(id) over(partition by xx)
SqlExt.Max(id).Over().PartitionBy().ToValue() max(id) over(partition by xx)
SqlExt.Min(id).Over().PartitionBy().ToValue() min(id) over(partition by xx)
SqlExt.RowNumber(id).Over().PartitionBy().ToValue() row_number(id) over(partition by xx)

Query first record on GroupBy

    .Where(a => a.Id < 1000)
    .WithTempQuery(a => new
        item = a,
        rownum = SqlExt.RowNumber().Over().PartitionBy(a.Nickname).OrderBy(a.Id).ToValue()
    .Where(a => a.rownum == 1)
    SELECT a.[Id], a.[Nickname], row_number() over( partition by a.[Nickname] order by a.[Id]) [rownum]
    FROM [User1] a
    WHERE a.[Id] < 1000
) a
WHERE (a.[rownum] = 1)


    .Where(a => a.Id < 1000)
    .GroupBy(a => a.Nickname)
    .WithTempQuery(g => new { min = g.Min(g.Value.Id) })
    .InnerJoin((a, b) => a.min == b.Id)
    .ToList((a, b) => b);
SELECT b.[Id], b.[Nickname] 
    SELECT min(a.[Id]) [min] 
    FROM [User1] a 
    WHERE a.[Id] < 1000 
    GROUP BY a.[Nickname] ) a 
INNER JOIN [User1] b ON a.[min] = b.[Id]

more.. 《Nested Query》


  • Distinct
var list = fsql.Select<Topic>()
    .Aggregate(a => Convert.ToInt32("count(distinct title)"), out var count)
  • SqlExt.DistinctCount
    .Aggregate(a => SqlExt.DistinctCount(a.Key.Title), out var count);

SELECT count(distinct a."title") as1 FROM "Topic" a


Method Return Parameter Description
ToSql string Return the SQL statement to be executed
ToList<T> List<T> Lambda Execute SQL query and return the records of the specified field. When the record does not exist, return a list with Count of 0.
ToList<T> List<T> string field Execute SQL query, and return the record of the field specified by field, and receive it as a tuple or basic type (int, string, long). If the record does not exist, return a list with Count of 0.
ToAggregate<T> List<T> Lambda Execute SQL query and return the aggregate result of the specified field. (Suitable for scenarios where GroupBy is not required)
Sum T Lambda Specify a column to sum.
Min T Lambda Specify a column to find the minimum.
Max T Lambda Specify a column to find the maximum.
Avg T Lambda Specify a column to average.
GroupBy <this> Lambda Group by the selected column, GroupBy(a => a.Name)
GroupBy <this> string, parms Group by raw sql statement, GroupBy("concat(name, @cc)", new { cc = 1 })
Having <this> string, parms Filter by raw SQL statement aggregation conditions, Having("count(name) = @cc", new { cc = 1 })
Key Returns the object selected by GroupBy
Value Return to the main table or the field selector of From<T2,T3....>


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