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Update Data

2881099 edited this page Dec 14, 2023 · 15 revisions

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FreeSql provides a variety of database update functions. It supports single or batch updates, and can also return updated records when executed in a specific database.

static IFreeSql fsql = new FreeSql.FreeSqlBuilder()
    .UseConnectionString(FreeSql.DataType.MySql, connectionString)
    .UseAutoSyncStructure(true) //Automatically synchronize the entity structure to the database.
    .Build(); //Be sure to define as singleton mode

class Topic {
    [Column(IsIdentity = true, IsPrimary = true)]
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public int Clicks { get; set; }
    public string Title { get; set; }
    public DateTime CreateTime { get; set; }

Dynamic Conditions

fsql.Update<Topic>(object dywhere)

dywhere supports:

  • Primary key
  • new[] { PrimaryKey1, PrimaryKey2 }
  • Topic Object
  • new[] { TopicObject1, TopicObject2 }
  • new { id = 1 }

Dynamic tablename


1. Update the specified column

  .Set(a => a.CreateTime, DateTime.Now)
//UPDATE `Topic` SET `CreateTime` = '2018-12-08 00:04:59' 
//WHERE (`Id` = 1)

Support multiple calls to Set(), which is equivalent to splicing Sql statements.

  .Set(a => a.Clicks + 1)
  .Set(a => a.Time == DateTime.Now)
//UPDATE `Topic` SET `Clicks` = ifnull(`Clicks`,0) + 1, `Time` = now() 
//WHERE (`Id` = 1)

  .Set(a => new Topic
    Clicks = a.Clicks + 1,
    Time = DateTime.Now
//UPDATE `Topic` SET `Clicks` = ifnull(`Clicks`,0) + 1, `Time` = now() 
//WHERE (`Id` = 1)

2. Update Conditions

In addition to the dywhere parameter described above, it also supports the Where lambda/sql method

For safety reasons, when there are no conditions, the update action will not be executed to avoid updating the entire table data by mistake. Update the entire table data: fsql.Update<T>().Where("1=1").Set(a => a.Xxx == xxx).ExecuteAffrows()

  .Set(a => a.Title, "New Title")
  .Set(a => a.Time, DateTime.Now)
  .Where(a => a.Id == 1)
//UPDATE `Topic` SET `Title` = @p_0, `Time` = @p_1 
//WHERE (Id = 1)

3. Update the Entity

Method 1: (recommended)

Only update the changed properties (depend on FreeSql.Repository package)

var repo = fsql.GetRepository<Topic>();
var item = repo.Where(a => a.Id == 1).First();  //Snapshot item at this time
item.Title = "newtitle";
repo.Update(item); //Compare the changes before and after the snapshot.
//UPDATE `Topic` SET `Title` = @p_0
//WHERE (`Id` = 1)

Do you think it’s verbose to query first and then update?

var repo = fsql.GetRepository<Topic>();
var item = new Topic { Id = 1 };
repo.Attach(item); //Snapshot item at this time
item.Title = "newtitle";
repo.Update(item); //Compare the changes before and after the snapshot.
//UPDATE `Topic` SET `Title` = @p_0
//WHERE (`Id` = 1)

Method 2: (Original)

//v1.5.0 Ignore properties that update null values
  .SetSourceIgnore(item, col => col == null)
var item = new Topic { Id = 1, Title = "newtitle" };
//UPDATE `Topic` SET `Clicks` = @p_0, `Title` = @p_1, `CreateTime` = @p_2 
//WHERE (`Id` = 1)

  .UpdateColumns(a => new { a.Title, a.CreateTime })
//UPDATE `Topic` SET `Title` = @p_0, `CreateTime` = @p_1 
//WHERE (`Id` = 1)

  .IgnoreColumns(a => new { a.Clicks, a.CreateTime })
//UPDATE `Topic` SET `Title` = @p_0 
//WHERE (`Id` = 1)

var items = new List<Topic>();
for (var a = 0; a < 10; a++) items.Add(new Topic { Id = a + 1, Title = $"newtitle{a}", Clicks = a * 100 });

//UPDATE `Topic` SET `Clicks` = CASE `Id` WHEN 1 THEN @p_0 WHEN 2 THEN @p_1 WHEN 3 THEN @p_2 WHEN 4 THEN @p_3 WHEN 5 THEN @p_4 WHEN 6 THEN @p_5 WHEN 7 THEN @p_6 WHEN 8 THEN @p_7 WHEN 9 THEN @p_8 WHEN 10 THEN @p_9 END, 
//`Title` = CASE `Id` WHEN 1 THEN @p_10 WHEN 2 THEN @p_11 WHEN 3 THEN @p_12 WHEN 4 THEN @p_13 WHEN 5 THEN @p_14 WHEN 6 THEN @p_15 WHEN 7 THEN @p_16 WHEN 8 THEN @p_17 WHEN 9 THEN @p_18 WHEN 10 THEN @p_19 END, 
//`CreateTime` = CASE `Id` WHEN 1 THEN @p_20 WHEN 2 THEN @p_21 WHEN 3 THEN @p_22 WHEN 4 THEN @p_23 WHEN 5 THEN @p_24 WHEN 6 THEN @p_25 WHEN 7 THEN @p_26 WHEN 8 THEN @p_27 WHEN 9 THEN @p_28 WHEN 10 THEN @p_29 END 
//WHERE (`Id` IN (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10))

  .IgnoreColumns(a => new { a.Clicks, a.CreateTime })
//UPDATE `Topic` SET `Title` = CASE `Id` WHEN 1 THEN @p_0 WHEN 2 THEN @p_1 WHEN 3 THEN @p_2 WHEN 4 THEN @p_3 WHEN 5 THEN @p_4 WHEN 6 THEN @p_5 WHEN 7 THEN @p_6 WHEN 8 THEN @p_7 WHEN 9 THEN @p_8 WHEN 10 THEN @p_9 END 
//WHERE (`Id` IN (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10))

  .Set(a => a.CreateTime, DateTime.Now)
//UPDATE `Topic` SET `CreateTime` = @p_0 
//WHERE (`Id` IN (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10))

After the specified Set column is updated, SetSource will become invalid

SetSource defaults to relying on the IsPrimary attribute of the entity, and temporary primary keys can use SetSource (items, a=>a. Code)

Oracle CASE when N '' character set mismatch,

  • Reason: Inconsistency between entity primary key Column DbType and table type,

  • Solution: [Column (DbType = "varchar2", StingLength = 255)]

4. Custom SQL

  .SetRaw("Title = @title", new { title = "New Title" })
  .Where("Id = @id", 1)
//UPDATE `Topic` SET Title = @title WHERE (Id = @id)

5. Update According to the DTO

  .SetDto(new { title = "xxx", clicks = 2 })
  .Where(a => a.Id == 1)
//UPDATE `Topic` SET `Title` = @p_0, `Clicks` = @p_1 WHERE (Id = 1)

  .SetDto(new Dictionary<string, object> { ["title"] = "xxx", ["clicks"] = 2 })
  .Where(a => a.Id == 1)

6. The difference between Set, SetSource and SetDto

The three of them are functions of the same level, corresponding to:

  • Set/SetRaw is used when the entity is known, corresponding to update t set x = x

  • SetSource updates the entire entity, you can use UpdateColumns and/or IgnoreColumns to specify or ignore fields

  • SetDto is a batch operation of Set

7、Dictionary Update

var dic = new Dictionary<string, object>();
dic.Add("id", 1);
dic.Add("name", "xxxx");


8. Optimistic Lock

When updating the entire entity data, it is very easy to cause the old data to update the new record in the case of concurrency.

The principle of optimistic locking: use a certain field of the entity, such as long version. Query the data before updating, and then version is 1. The SQL generated during the update will append where version = 1, and an exception (DbUpdateVersionException) will be thrown when the modification fails (ie, Affrows == 0).

Each entity only supports one optimistic lock attribute, mark the attribute before the property: [Column(IsVersion = true)].

Applicable to SetSource update, the value of version will increase by 1 each time it is updated.

9. Pessimistic Lock

var user = fsql.Select<User>()
  .Where(a => a.Id == 1)
//SELECT ... FROM User a for update nowait

ForUpdate is a common way of writing in Oracle/PostgreSQL/MySql. We have made a special adaptation to SqlServer. The SQL statements executed are roughly as follows:

SELECT ... FROM [User] a With(UpdLock, RowLock, NoWait)

10. Advanced Update: ISelect.ToUpdate

IUpdate does not support navigation objects, multi-table association, etc. by default. ISelect.ToUpdate can convert the query to IUpdate to update the data using the navigation object, as follows:

fsql.Select<T1>().Where(a => == 1)
  .Set(a => a.Title, "111")

Note: This method is not to query the data to the memory and then update, the above code produces the following SQL execution:

UPDATE `T1` SET Title = '111' WHERE id in (select from T1 a left join Options b on b.t1id = where = 1)

The benefits of using this program for dang complex update:

  • Data can be previewed before updating to prevent wrong update operations;
  • Support complex update operations, for example: Use Limit(10) on ISelect to update the first 10 records that meet the conditions;


v3.2.692+ (High risk operation, high risk operation, high risk operation, please use with caution, test and check the content returned by ToSql)

  .Join<T2>((a, b) => == b.groupid)
  .Set((a, b) => a.bname ==
  .Set((a, b) => a.bcode == + a.code)
  .Set(a => a.flag, 1) //Fixed value
  .Where((a, b) => > 0 && > 0)

The SQL generated by different databases is different. Take MySql as an example:

INNER JOIN `T2` b ON (a.`id` = b.`groupid`)
SET a.`bname` = b.`name`, a.`bcode` = concat(b.`id`, a.`code`), a.`flag` = 1
WHERE a.`id` > 0 AND b.`id` > 0

More complex joint table update:

var query = fsql.Select<T2, T3>()
  .WithTempQuery((a, b) => new { item1 = a, item2 = b });

  .Join(query, (a, b) => == b.item1.groupid)
  .Set((a, b) => a.bcode == b.item2.xcode)
  SELECT ...
  FROM `t2` a
  Where ...
) b ON (a.`id` = b.`groupid`)
SET a.`bcode` = b.`xcode`

12、BulkCopy Batch Update

package name method desc (v3.2.693)
FreeSql.Provider.SqlServer ExecuteSqlBulkCopy
FreeSql.Provider.MySqlConnector ExecuteMySqlBulkCopy
FreeSql.Provider.Oracle ExecuteOracleBulkCopy
FreeSql.Provider.Dameng ExecuteDmBulkCopy 达梦
FreeSql.Provider.PostgreSQL ExecutePgCopy
FreeSql.Provider.KingbaseES ExecuteKdbCopy 人大金仓

Principle: Use BulkCopy to insert data into the temporary table, and then use UPDATE FROM JOIN to update the associated table.

Tip: When the number of updated fields exceeds 3000, the benefits are large.




Methods Return Parameters Description
SetSource <this> T1 | IEnumerable<T1> Update data, set updated entity
IgnoreColumns <this> Lambda Ignored columns
Set <this> Lambda, value Set the new value of the column Set(a => a.Name, "newvalue")
Set <this> Lambda Set the new value of the column based on the original value Set(a => a.Clicks + 1), which is equivalent to clicks=clicks+1
SetDto <this> object Update according to DTO
SetRaw <this> string, parms Set value, custom SQL syntax SetRaw("title = @title", new {title = "newtitle" })
Where <this> Lambda Expression conditions, only support entity members (not including navigation objects)
Where <this> string, parms Raw SQL syntax conditions Where("id = @id", new {id = 1 })
Where <this> T1 | IEnumerable<T1> Pass in the entity or collection, and use its primary key as the condition
CommandTimeout <this> int Command timeout setting (seconds)
WithTransaction <this> DbTransaction Set transaction object
WithConnection <this> DbConnection Set the connection object
ToSql string Return the SQL statement to be executed
ExecuteAffrows long Execute SQL statement and return the number of rows affected
ExecuteUpdated List<T1> Execute SQL statement and return the updated record
Join IUpdateJoin 联表更新
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