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earthwise edited this page Jan 1, 2025 · 7 revisions

sorbet helper wiki - Entities

wip, very unfinished theres so many entitiesssss ,,,

Table of Contents


make sure to also check the tooltips in Lönn!

Strawberry (With Noded Return)

A strawberry that when grabbed, places the player into a bubble and moves them along the curve defined by its nodes.
Can be winged or have seeds (by adding more nodes).

By default periodically emits a few bubble particles to visually indicate that it bubbles the player, but this can be toggled for legacy consistency or personal preference.


if you'd rather the bubble just took madeline directly to her current spawn point instead of being more adjustable, try checking out Lunatic Helper's strawberry with return instead!
note that currently More Lönn Plugins is required for it to show up in Lönn

Custom/Rainbow Lightbeam

A customizable lightbeam.

Has the following base variables:

  • Rotation - The rotation of the lightbeam.
  • Color - The color of the lightbeam.
  • Alpha - The alpha of the lightbeam.
  • Depth - Determines what visual layer the lightbeam should be on, higher values mean farther behind in the scene. Does not affect the particles.
  • Texture - The texture of the lightbeam.
  • No Particles - Whether the lightbeam emits particles.
  • Fade When Near - Whether the lightbeam fades out when the player is close to it.
  • Fade On Transition- Whether the lightbeam fades out during screen transitions.
  • Flag - A session flag that needs to be set in order for the lightbeam to be activated. Leaving this empty causes the lightbeam to always be active.
  • Invert Flag - Inverts flag behavior so that the lightbeam will be active only when the flag is disabled, rather than when it is enabled.
  • Flag Fade Time - The time (in seconds) the lightbeam takes to fade in or out according to the flag.

Uniquely also supports changing the static color of the lightbeam into a rainbow gradient, by enabling the Rainbow checkbox.
By default this uses the same gradient as rainbow spinners (including support for Rainbow Spinner Color Controllers).
Enabling the Use Custom Rainbow Colors checkbox and reopening the edit menu instead allows for the gradient to be specified per-lightbeam, with all of the same options as color controllers have.

Resizable Waterfall

A custom waterfall combining the resizability and visuals of big waterfalls with the water/tile interactions of small waterfalls.

Has the following variables:

  • Color - The color of the waterfall.
  • Detail Lines - Whether the waterfall should have the extra detail lines found in big waterfalls, disabling this will make the waterfall appear closer in appearance to a small waterfall instead.
  • Wave Percent - A number between 0 and 1 that determines the speed at which the waterfall falls.
  • Ignore Solids - Whether the waterfall should collide with solid objects, such as tiles.
  • Depth - The visual depth of the waterfall, higher values mean farther behind in the scene.
    (Note that this on its own will not affect the wavy displacement effect, unless used alongside a Displacement Depth Fixer.)

Custom Falling Block

a highly customizable falling block

Max Speed, Acceleration, Initial Shake Time (always happens), Variable Shake Time (only if the player stays on the block or triggered by a spring), are all adjustable.
the Direction the block will fall can be any of Down, Up, Left, or Right.
whether the block can be triggered by grabbing, the player in general, or static movers like springs can also all be toggled, along with whether the block should be able to break dash blocks.

has 3 flag related variables, Flag On Fall, Flag On Land, and Trigger Flag. respectively, these are set when the block is triggered, set when the block lands on something, and causes the block to start falling.
these flags will not get reset automatically by the falling block, if you need this to happen for e.g. linking falling blocks together with flags, you can use a Set Flag On Spawn Controller from Maddie's Helping Hand.
(however, this also means that by setting the Trigger Flag to true at some point and then not resetting it, these can also easily work as auto-falling-blocks)

by enabling the Chrono Helper Gravity checkbox, the block will respect the state of gravity falling block switches from Chrono Helper and flip its falling direction accordingly.


due to minor implementation differences, by default these blocks have a very short delay before falling again if gravity is changed after they have landed compared to Chrono Helper's blocks. if needed for parity this can be disabled by setting the session flag SorbetHelper_CorrectChronoHelperParity.

sfx and depth can also be customized.

Dash Falling Block

a falling block which falls when dashed into, instead of when grabbed or stood on.

based of off custom falling blocks, so inherits all of its customization options.

also includes options to make wavedashes on top of the block possible, make wallbounces more lenient, refill madeline's dash, and change the fall direction based on where it was hit.

Dash & Touch Gate Blocks

Crumble On Flag Block

similar to a vanilla Crumble Wall On Rumble except it breaks when a flag is enabled and will also reappear if the flag is disabled again.

has an optional toggle to reverse flag activation behavior.

Displacement Depth Fixer

Displacement Effect Blocker

Displacement Effect Area

Flag Toggled Killbox

same as a vanilla 'killbox', but can be toggled via a flag

Kill Zone

invisible barrier that kills madeline on contact, flag-toggleable