Releases: eltreum0/eltruism
v3.9.9.1 Complete Changelog
Added Details nickname tags, [eltruism:detailsnickname] and [eltruism:detailsnickname:gradient] which will show the nickname set in Details instead of the unit name
Added minimize and maximize buttons to Classic Era Objective Frame
Added gradient health tags such as [eltruism:hpstatus:gradient]
Added custom color option for Class Texture Eltruism Datatext
Added an option to disable Other Stats in the Character Panel
Added option to Rotate Minimap and updated Cardinals for it
Added an option to disable skinning Blizzard raid frames
Added Ace3 skin to slider and fixed some coloring
Added Gradient to Unitframe backdrops
Added some missing shadows
Added profession buttons to bags
Added a skin for Auctionator
Updated Unitframe Gradients to now more correctly use ElvUI Unitframe Transparency setting instead of Eltruism backdrop alpha
Updated the Gradient enable/disable function and command "/eltruism gradient" to also swap tags to gradient and non gradient
Updated Inspect frame Name to fix the default UI issue of the name not being centered
Updated Rare Portrait border to also color the border when an enemy is Rare or Elite
Updated Backdrop Alpha to allow backdrop transparency when Health isn't transparent
Updated Gradient Unitframes to better follow ElvUI Unitframe Transparency Settings
Updated the Gradient Reverse for target to also reverse target of target colors
Updated Portrait to invert Party Portrait if anchor is set to Right side
Updated Gradient Power Backdrop Fade to also apply to Health Backdrop
Updated some gradient options to be on their own frame tab
Updated ElvUI profiles to use the gradient tag
Updated mMediaTag interrupt check
Updated the Gradient Mode toggle
Updated German locale by Dlarge
Updated Questie profile
Fixed death color and tapped color on Unitframes when Gradient was enabled by adding an option for it
Fixed an issue where Custom Gradients were not applying to the Class Texture for Eltruism Datatext
Fixed an issue with Custom Texture and No Class Textures in Group Unitframes
Fixed shadows when unitframes had portraits enabled and non spaced power
Fixed a double Shadow on Target Unitframe when power was Detached
Fixed an error when ElvUI Character Panel skin was disabled
Fixed Quest Combat hide not working correctly with Questie
Fixed a possible error with chat class icons
Fixed AFK skin while traveling between zones
Fixed a possible issue with Unit reactions
Fixed some possible errors with Unitframes
Fixed Portrait showing up on Party Pets
Fixed death animation for Classic Era
Fixed Custom Textures in Dark Mode
Fixed Dark Mode Backdrop Texture
Fixed AFK music not stopping
Fixed some Ace3 skin issues
Fixed Details shadow
3.9.9 Complete Changelog
Added Details nickname tags, [eltruism:detailsnickname] and [eltruism:detailsnickname:gradient] which will show the nickname set in Details instead of the unit name
Added minimize and maximize buttons to Classic Era Objective Frame
Added gradient health tags such as [eltruism:hpstatus:gradient]
Added custom color option for Class Texture Eltruism Datatext
Added option to Rotate Minimap and updated Cardinals for it
Added an option to disable skinning Blizzard raid frames
Added Ace3 skin to slider and fixed some coloring
Added Gradient to Unitframe backdrops
Added some missing shadows
Added profession buttons to bags
Added a skin for Auctionator
Updated Unitframe Gradients to now more correctly use ElvUI Unitframe Transparency setting instead of Eltruism backdrop alpha
Updated the Gradient enable/disable function and command "/eltruism gradient" to also swap tags to gradient and non gradient
Updated Inspect frame Name to fix the default UI issue of the name not being centered
Updated Rare Portrait border to also color the border when an enemy is Rare or Elite
Updated Gradient Unitframes to better follow ElvUI Unitframe Transparency Settings
Updated the Gradient Reverse for target to also reverse target of target colors
Updated Portrait to invert Party Portrait if anchor is set to Right side
Updated Gradient Power Backdrop Fade to also apply to Health Backdrop
Updated some gradient options to be on their own frame tab
Updated ElvUI profiles to use the gradient tag
Updated mMediaTag interrupt check
Updated German locale by Dlarge
Updated Questie profile
Fixed death color and tapped color on Unitframes when Gradient was enabled by adding an option for it
Fixed an issue where Custom Gradients were not applying to the Class Texture for Eltruism Datatext
Fixed an issue with Custom Texture and No Class Textures in Group Unitframes
Fixed shadows when unitframes had portraits enabled and non spaced power
Fixed an error when ElvUI Character Panel skin was disabled
Fixed Quest Combat hide not working correctly with Questie
Fixed a possible error with chat class icons
Fixed AFK skin while traveling between zones
Fixed a possible issue with Unit reactions
Fixed Portrait showing up on Party Pets
Fixed death animation for Classic Era
Fixed AFK music not stopping
Fixed some Ace3 skin issues
Fixed Details shadow
3.9.8 Complete Changelog
Added Mail Animation, which will show a Blizzard animation when mail arrives and exists
Added Resting Animation by Blizzard to Wrath and Classic
Added gradient to Resting Animation
Added a Dark mode skin for Details
Updated Details skin Replace Texture, which will now use textures set in Details and add a shadow to them while making them look like Eltruism 7pixel texture
Updated Details Gradient Name function to no longer force the position number and better avoid string escape sequences
Updated various Textures to improve scaling in 1080p and 1440p
Updated Character Panel Skin line textures
Updated Ace3 Skin to cover more buttons
Updated German locale by Dlarge
Fixed shadows when classbar was detached and power was set to inset on player unitframe
Fixed a possible error with Portrait Fix when 3D portraits were disabled
Fixed a rare issue when a unit's class could return nil in tags
Fixed a possible error with Portrait Skin and Party unitframes
Fixed a possible error with Loot Text when reloading
Fixed Ace3 Skin hiding backdrop borders
Fixed Portrait Skin overlapping the Map
3.9.7 Complete Changelog
Added Ace3 Skin, which can be enabled in Eltruism > Skins > Addons > ElvUI
Added an option to use Default Gradient colors for Portraits
Updated Portraits to further scale them out
Updated Minimap Border Strata
Updated Compatibility check
Updated Portraits Strata
Fixed an issue where shadows could appear when using Borders and Information Panel on Top
Fixed an issue where Rest Icon was being forced to be class color in Classic/Wrath
Fixed an issue with the ElvUI skin on invisible frames
Fixed Portrait having wrong color in some scenarios
3.9.6 Complete Changelog
Added options to disable the Hardcore player death sound and the guild member death
Added options for custom color Portraits
Added an option to change the Waypoint Arrow Color in Retail
Fixed a possible error with the PallyPower Skin in Classic
Fixed a possible taint in the Objective Frame in Retail
Fixed shadows when using Information Panel on Top
Fixed target portrait in Classic
3.9.5 Complete Changelog
Added Portrait Skin, which can add Blizz-like portraits and more to ElvUI Unitframes, alongside customization options in Eltruism > Unitframes > Portrait
Added an option to Disable the Eltruism AFK logo, separate from the skin
Added Blizzard's animated rest icon to ElvUI Unitframes Rest Icon
Added [name:eltruism:caps] which will show the name in full caps
Updated the Chat Fading Functions, which will now better detect messages that are in each panel
Updated the Classic Hardcore Death to also play a sound and animation when a Guild member dies
Updated Gladdy, Gladius, GladiusEx, BattleGroundEnemies profiles to remove unused tables
Updated Details skin to create shadows and allow usage of other textures
Updated the Camera Max Distance Zoom to better work with Classic
Updated DynamicCam profile to be the same in Classic and Retail
Updated shadows on EltruismDatatext when using Dark Chat mode
Updated Options, moving Gradient into a more unified tab
Updated several Class Textures to higher resolution
Updated Installer with new Screenshots
Updated German locale by Dlarge
Fixed an issue where it was possible the Class Symbol would not show up during install
Fixed an issue with the Quest Detail Model being hidden by the backdrop in Retail
Fixed [name:eltruism:abbreviateshort] not shortening when name was 11 characters
Fixed an issue where Stance X offset for Borders was not able to be changed
Fixed an issue with the Tooltip gradient when item names could return empty
Fixed the third stat in the Classic Era armory using wrong font size
Fixed a possible error with some tags where the unit could be nil
Fixed missing Mirror Timer scaling in Retail
Fixed some Shaman colors in Classic Era
3.9.4 Complete Changelog
Added [name:eltruism:gradientcaps] and [name:eltruism:gradientshortcaps] tags which will display the names in all caps
Added an option to change the alpha of the EltruismDatatext texture
Added a function to make Shamans blue again in Classic Era
Added several missing enchants to Sockets in Classic Era
Updated some CVars during install for Wrath and Classic Era
Updated some settings to allow them in Classic Era
Updated Shadow and Light profile
Fixed shadows in Target and Target of Target Unitframes when using power in fill mode
Fixed wrong custom color when leaving combat
v3.9.3.1 Complete Changelog
Added [eltruism:classSymbols:player] tag, which shows the new class symbols used during install
Added /eltruism elvuiskin command to disable the ElvUI skin
Added a gradient texture to the EltruismDatatext
Added proc glow to Pet unitframe and Nameplates
Added gradient to the compare items on tooltips
Added new boss ids to the classification icons
Added an option to disable Pet gradient
Updated Immersion skin, adding reputation bar
Updated Bigwigs and DBM profiles
Updated German locale by Dlarge
Updated for Classic Era
Fixed PallyPower shadows when solo and when playing a low level character
Fixed a possible error with the Teleport and Hearthstones datatext
Fixed a possible error with mMediaTag when playing in Classic
Fixed a shadow for icons on DBM when the icon was disabled
Fixed shadows for non spaced classbar when its detached
Fixed player castbar shadows when the icon is detached
Fixed Inspect Class background skin in Classic Era
Fixed an error with the Quest Skin in Classic
Fixed Classic Era talent texture position
Fixed Unitframe Dispel Glow Color
Fixed chat bubble shadows
3.9.3 Complete Changelog
Added [eltruism:classSymbols:player] tag, which shows the new class symbols used during install
Added /eltruism elvuiskin command to disable the ElvUI skin
Added a gradient texture to the EltruismDatatext
Added proc glow to Pet unitframe and Nameplates
Added gradient to the compare items on tooltips
Added new boss ids to the classification icons
Added an option to disable Pet gradient
Updated Immersion skin, adding reputation bar
Updated Bigwigs and DBM profiles
Updated for Classic Era
Fixed PallyPower shadows when solo and when playing a low level character
Fixed a possible error with the Teleport and Hearthstones datatext
Fixed a possible error with mMediaTag when playing in Classic
Fixed a shadow for icons on DBM when the icon was disabled
Fixed shadows for non spaced classbar when its detached
Fixed player castbar shadows when the icon is detached
Fixed an error with the Quest Skin in Classic
Fixed Unitframe Dispel Glow Color
Fixed chat bubble shadows
3.9.2 Complete Changelog
Added a new type of glow in Retail: Proc, and options for it in Custom Glow
Updated the strata of borders for Boss frames
Updated the Fast Loot with another event
Updated German locale by Dlarge
Fixed an issue where Progress Bar Icons for the Objective Frame could end up without shadow in Retail
Fixed a possible issue with the Character Panel skin when ElvUI Blizzard skins were disabled
Fixed Instance Text missing in some scenarios, and the indicator not hiding in Classic/Wrath
Fixed an issue where on some new profiles Action Bar 4 was not automatically enabled
Fixed a possible issue with gradients when a new type of power resource was detected
Fixed a possible error in Classic/Wrath related to the Profession/Tradeskill frame
Fixed a possible issue with the Nameplate Power Bar not attaching to the target
Fixed the shadow in the Scenario Block frame in Retail
Fixed Profession frame shadows and scaling in Retail