Releases: eltreum0/eltruism
3.8.4 Complete Changelog
Added an option to disable the reversed gradient on target health frame
Added [eltruism:reverseReleafgradient:player] tag with gradient icons
Added [eltruism:reverseReleafgradient:all] tag with gradient icons
Added [eltruism:Releafgradient:player] tag with gradient icons
Added [eltruism:Releafgradient:all] tag with gradient icons
Added an option to use a custom font on the Error Frame
Added [name:eltruism:gradientdefaultcolorsshort] tag
Added options to change the Ghost text into Icons
Added Gradient to Item names, alongside settings
Added [name:eltruism:gradientdefaultcolors] tag
Added Eltruism to the Addon Compartment Frame
Added settings for Private Auras in Retail
Added an option to scale the Loot Frame
Added an option to make Glows Gradient
Added [eltruism:perhpstatus] tag
Added [eltruism:levelskull2] tag
Added gradients to Details names
Added Skin for Cell Unitframes
Added another Skull icon
Updated [eltruism:effectivehp] to show only in classic since the formula is for classic only
Updated general ElvUI Texture to ElvUI Norm1 instead of Asphyxia due to ElvUI Skin
Updated Transparent Power on unitframes to use the ElvUI unitframe texture instead
Updated [name:eltruism:gradienttranslit] tag to allow length to be customizable
Updated ElvUI Skin to work with more Buttons when Buttons skinning is disabled
Updated [name:eltruism:gradientshort] tag to allow length to be customizable
Updated Class Bars to follow power transparency if enabled in ElvUI
Updated [eltruism:stance] to use throttled time instead of events
Updated Nameplate Health Height to also adjust when its casting
Updated general Gradient functions with Simpy's advice
Updated iOS and Material role icons
Updated German locale by Dlarge
Updated Minimal Aura Filtering
Fixed a possible issue where the value from Dynamic Resolution Min was not applying
Fixed an issue where gradient names could reverse on party/raid frames
Fixed a possible issue in the Transmog Window when using ElvUI Skin
Fixed models showing up during Dark Souls or GTA death animations
Fixed [eltruism:classcolor] tag sometimes not returning colors
Fixed Target Portrait Fix causing issues with paused portraits
Fixed an issue with Gradient Power and non Thin Unitframes
Fixed gradient mode missing gradient texture in light mode
Fixed Blizzard's Alt Power spamming when not shown
Fixed [eltruism:reverseclass:all] missing icons
Fixed Unitframe Shadows in more configurations
Fixed extra pixels on the Target Arrow Texture
Fixed a possible error when Pet Battle ends
Fixed Aura Bars reversed gradient
Fixed Boss Frame Spaced Shadows
Fixed a few missing options
3.8.3 Complete Changelog
Added options to set Aura Filters for Party, Raid and Aura Bars
Added Shadows to Zone Text and Bonus Objective
Added Painsmith -Unleash the Instrument sound
Added several optimizations based on Luckyone
Added the optimizations to ElvUI Update
Added a new Minimal Aura filter option
Added Original Icons to Chat Icons
Added a new Nameplate Target Arrow
Added ElWigo to BigWigs skin
Added OmniCD profile
Updated Minimap Combat hide to move Auras back into their original position instead
Updated Chat icons functions to not run when Chat modifications are disabled
Updated Questie Profile Nameplate/Unitframe Quest Icon Position
Updated Eltruism default settings for Quest Autoaccept
Updated Options to use ACH lib
Updated Immersion Skin font
Fixed Tooltip Gradient Name not being Gradient when a mod key was pressed
Fixed a possible error in combat due to the Eltruism Teleport Datatext
Fixed an error related to AutoDelete when ConsolePort was loaded
Fixed ElvUI Skin when Unitframe Health was not transparent
Fixed WarpDeplete Skin sometimes not changing to gradient
Fixed an issue on Character Panel where Icons could flash
Fixed Transparent Power Custom backdrop in ElvUI
Fixed Gradient Power when Power was Transparent
Fixed OmniCD Name Bar mode having shadows
Fixed Raid Pets not being Gradient
Fixed Focus Target ElvUI Skin
Fixed Master Looter Icon
3.8.2 Complete Changelog
Added an option to disable the Gradient Health and Name on tooltips
Added options to customize the Entering/Leaving Combat Indicator
Added glow to EltreumInterrupt Style filter if using ElvUI 13.30
Added an option in CVars to change Nameplate Global scale
Added Gradient and Custom Textures to Assist Targets
Added an option to disable the ElvUI skin on Buttons
Added Eltruism Icons for Author, Donators and MVPs
Added an option in CVars to disable Soft Targets
Added an extra Combat Icon and used it in Party
Added gradient names to player names in chat
Added class icons to player names in chat
Added Auto Delete to Pet Cages in Retail
Added a new sound: Overconfidence
Added Shadows to Assist Targets
Added shadows to datatexts
Added a skin for BagSync
Added a skin for Hekili
Added a skin for OmniCD
Updated Eltruism Teleports/Hearthstones datatext to allow double clicking to use Hearthstone
Updated World Map to make the Retail Bounty Icon a mouse over and skin the selection
Updated Item Level tooltip in Classic to show the Item Level on the second line
Updated ElvUI Preview to allow Boss and Arena frames to work with it
Updated several ElvUI Skin Textures to better deal with transparency
Updated Quest Items to prevent adding multiples of the same item
Updated Warrior Action Paging in Wrath/Classic to fix stances
Updated gradient tag to reverse gradient on Target unitframe
Updated Eltruism Stat Datatext to show Crit before Haste
Updated Nameplate Custom Height to better detect combat
Updated Rogue Action Paging to fix Vehicle UI in Retail
Updated Retail Quest Dialog Frame to skin the NPC Model
Updated Nameplate Power Bar to better handle events
Updated Eltruism Profile to enable the ElvUI Skin
Updated Chat /roll to show colors per class
Updated German locale by Dlarge
Updated AddOnSkins profile
Updated WindTools profile
Updated Pet Stable Skin
Updated AFK Skin
Fixed castbar shadows when the castbar icon was of a different size from the castbar
Fixed an issue with unitframe shadows when all power frames were detached
Fixed Player Model in AFK screen sometimes overlapping the timer
Fixed Nameplate Power Bar sometimes having the wrong texture
Fixed Quest Dialog Frame Model Shadows/Skin not hiding
Fixed some texture transparencies in ElvUI skin
Fixed ElvUI skin on some buttons
3.8.2 Complete Changelog
Added an option to disable the Gradient Health and Name on tooltips
Added options to customize the Entering/Leaving Combat Indicator
Added glow to EltreumInterrupt Style filter if using ElvUI 13.30
Added an option in CVars to change Nameplate Global scale
Added Gradient and Custom Textures to Assist Targets
Added an option to disable the ElvUI skin on Buttons
Added Eltruism Icons for Author, Donators and MVPs
Added an option in CVars to disable Soft Targets
Added an extra Combat Icon and used it in Party
Added gradient names to player names in chat
Added class icons to player names in chat
Added Auto Delete to Pet Cages in Retail
Added a new sound: Overconfidence
Added Shadows to Assist Targets
Added shadows to datatexts
Added a skin for BagSync
Added a skin for Hekili
Added a skin for OmniCD
Updated Eltruism Teleports/Hearthstones datatext to allow double clicking to use Hearthstone
Updated World Map to make the Retail Bounty Icon a mouse over and skin the selection
Updated Item Level tooltip in Classic to show the Item Level on the second line
Updated ElvUI Preview to allow Boss and Arena frames to work with it
Updated several ElvUI Skin Textures to better deal with transparency
Updated Quest Items to prevent adding multiples of the same item
Updated Warrior Action Paging in Wrath/Classic to fix stances
Updated gradient tag to reverse gradient on Target unitframe
Updated Eltruism Stat Datatext to show Crit before Haste
Updated Nameplate Custom Height to better detect combat
Updated Rogue Action Paging to fix Vehicle UI in Retail
Updated Retail Quest Dialog Frame to skin the NPC Model
Updated Nameplate Power Bar to better handle events
Updated Eltruism Profile to enable the ElvUI Skin
Updated Chat /roll to show colors per class
Updated German locale by Dlarge
Updated AddOnSkins profile
Updated WindTools profile
Updated Pet Stable Skin
Updated AFK Skin
Fixed castbar shadows when the castbar icon was of a different size from the castbar
Fixed an issue with unitframe shadows when all power frames were detached
Fixed Player Model in AFK screen sometimes overlapping the timer
Fixed Nameplate Power Bar sometimes having the wrong texture
Fixed Quest Dialog Frame Model Shadows/Skin not hiding
Fixed some texture transparencies in ElvUI skin
Fixed ElvUI skin on some buttons
3.8.2 Complete Changelog
Added an option to disable the Gradient Health and Name on tooltips
Added options to customize the Entering/Leaving Combat Indicator
Added glow to EltreumInterrupt Style filter if using ElvUI 13.30
Added an option in CVars to change Nameplate Global scale
Added Gradient and Custom Textures to Assist Targets
Added an option to disable the ElvUI skin on Buttons
Added Eltruism Icons for Author, Donators and MVPs
Added an option in CVars to disable Soft Targets
Added an extra Combat Icon and used it in Party
Added gradient names to player names in chat
Added class icons to player names in chat
Added Auto Delete to Pet Cages in Retail
Added a new sound: Overconfidence
Added Shadows to Assist Targets
Added shadows to datatexts
Added a skin for BagSync
Added a skin for Hekili
Added a skin for OmniCD
Updated Eltruism Teleports/Hearthstones datatext to allow double clicking to use Hearthstone
Updated World Map to make the Retail Bounty Icon a mouse over and skin the selection
Updated Item Level tooltip in Classic to show the Item Level on the second line
Updated ElvUI Preview to allow Boss and Arena frames to work with it
Updated several ElvUI Skin Textures to better deal with transparency
Updated Quest Items to prevent adding multiples of the same item
Updated Warrior Action Paging in Wrath/Classic to fix stances
Updated gradient tag to reverse gradient on Target unitframe
Updated Eltruism Stat Datatext to show Crit before Haste
Updated Nameplate Custom Height to better detect combat
Updated Rogue Action Paging to fix Vehicle UI in Retail
Updated Retail Quest Dialog Frame to skin the NPC Model
Updated Nameplate Power Bar to better handle events
Updated Eltruism Profile to enable the ElvUI Skin
Updated Chat /roll to show colors per class
Updated German locale by Dlarge
Updated AddOnSkins profile
Updated WindTools profile
Updated Pet Stable Skin
Updated AFK Skin
Fixed castbar shadows when the castbar icon was of a different size from the castbar
Fixed an issue with unitframe shadows when all power frames were detached
Fixed Nameplate Power Bar sometimes having the wrong texture
Fixed some texture transparencies in ElvUI skin
Fixed ElvUI skin on some buttons
3.8.1 Complete Changelog
Added EltreumStance custom tag to player unitframe, which show show the current stance
Added ElvUI Skin in Eltruism > Skins > Addons, which adds textures to frames
Added several background textures that can be used with the ElvUI Skin
Added an empty texture, None, that can be used to disable textures
Added the teleport NPC to Quest Auto Turn in block list
Added Dead/Disconnected Icon Customization for tags
Added Dynamic Render Scale CVar to Graphics CVars
Added an option to show skill ups on LootText
Added a skin to the Vehicle Leave Button
Added Master Looter Icon customization
Added spark replacement to Aura Bars
Added Raid Assist Icon customization
Added Leader Icon customization
Added Gradient to tooltip names
Added custom spark to aura bars
Added a few shadows
Updated Nameplate Height to also work when the player is targeted
Updated Details Embed to not rely on the skin
Updated Weakauras tutorial image for anchors
Updated Install to remove the Services chat
Updated some functions to perform better
Updated German locale by Dlarge
Updated Immersion Skin speed
Fixed an issue where Item Level backdrop would appear while Shadow and Light's Armory was enabled
Fixed an issue where Raid Shadows would run when Unitframes Shadows were disabled
Fixed an issue where when changing fonts custom texts could get reapplied
Fixed an issue where BigWigs Custom Gradient Colors could not work
Fixed an issue in Court of Stars after Blizzard changed Gossip API
Fixed wrong combat icon in Party unitframes
Fixed a double Combat Indicator Icon
3.8.0 Complete Changelog
Added an option to disable forcing the ElvUI chat toggles on
Added a slider to set the Occluded Nameplate CVar
Added an option to change the shadow color
Added several new Role Icon styles
Added [eltruism:leader:emoji] tag
Added some missing shadows
Added several Combat Icons
Added two Rest Icons
Updated Nameplate Import to apply gradient names only when setting gradient
Updated Nameplate Height to better detect threat/combat
Updated DPS/Healer profile Combat/Rest Icons
Updated German locale by Dlarge
Updated Plugin Installer skin
Fixed an issue where the Objective Frame could error if loading in while in combat
Fixed an issue where the Nameplate Portrait Shadows option wouldn't work
Fixed a possible issue where Role Icons would not show up in chat
Fixed an issue with Item Levels in Wrath/Classic
v3.7.9.1 Complete Changelog
Added NameplateSCT to Font and Font Outline functions
Added Questie to Font and Font Outline functions
Added 3 new Statusbar textures
Updated German locale by Dlarge
Fixed Immersion skin not sometimes skinning the options
Fixed player/target unitframe shadows in some scenarios
Fixed Paladin Smart Class Bar hiding not working
Fixed a possible error when applying Fonts\
3.7.9 Complete Changelog
Added NameplateSCT to Font and Font Outline functions
Added Questie to Font and Font Outline functions
Updated German locale by Dlarge
Fixed Immersion skin not sometimes skinning the options
Fixed player/target unitframe shadows in some scenarios
Fixed Paladin Smart Class Bar hiding not working
3.7.8 Complete Changelog
Added gradient to Objective Frame progress bars in Retail
Added Custom Gradient Colors to BigWigs Skin
Added Custom Role Icons to Blizzard Raid Frames
Added Custom Textures to Blizzard Raid Frames
Added Gradient to Blizzard Raid Frames
Added Shadows to Blizzard Raid Frames
Updated Nameplates to enable Shadows by default, adjusting some castbar settings
Updated Nameplate PowerBar which should be more in line with ElvUI skins
Updated EltreumExecute to also enable health color due to Rares
Updated Information Panel on Top function and its shadows
Updated Eltruism AFK screen
Fixed an issue where player spec would not update in the Character Panel in Wrath
Fixed Quest Headers not following fonts when Shadow and Light was loaded
Fixed a possible error in the Immersion Skin while unloading the game
Fixed [eltruism:stance] due to Blizzard's API being inconsistent
Fixed Rarescanner item list shadows and skinned the search box
Fixed Nameplate power shadows for Death Knights and Monks
Fixed an issue with Custom Quest Line Colors in Wrath
Fixed Toggle Hide Armor shadows in the Trading Post
Fixed PallyPower Skin not properly skinning Seals
Fixed actionbars above 10 not getting shadows
Fixed [eltruismrealm:dash] not being gradient
Fixed some player unitframe shadows