Releases: eltreum0/eltruism
3.9.1 Complete Changelog
Added missing Augmentation Evoker spec icon to Details icons
Updated ElvUI version check
Fixed possible taints with the Objective Tracker Mover in Retail
3.9.0 Complete Changelog
Added new Class Crests/Symbols, with options to change versions
Added Class Crest to AFK screen (if option is enabled)
Added a tooltip to the Edit Mode button
Updated AFK screen shadows to only appear if Eltruism AFK is enabled
Updated Character Panel Stat Font to split Name font from it
Updated Objective Tracker to add new Transmog tracker
Updated Details embed to handle extra Details windows
Updated Mirror Timers scale/size to work in Classic
Updated Install to add the new class symbols
Updated German locale by Dlarge
Updated Archeology Bar Mover
Fixed a possible issue with the chat icons when the database was not loaded
Fixed a possible issue with the number of stats on the Character Panel
Fixed Mirror Timers for 10.1.5
3.8.9 Complete Changelog
Added [eltruism:presencecolor] tag which shows Death Knight Presence with color
Added Tank Stats Datatext in Wrath and Classic
Added options to resize Mirro Timers
Updated Custom Textures to work outside of Gradient
Updated German locale by Dlarge
Fixed a possible issue where class custom textures could be locked out
Fixed an issue with shadows when some unitframes were disabled
Fixed castbar borders when cast bar icon was disabled
Fixed other glows not hiding if changed in ElvUI
Fixed an issue where some options were hidden
Fixed missing Custom Glow after a reload
Fixed a possible issue with shadows in Wrath
3.8.8 Complete Changelog
Added scale to Mirror Timers (such as Breath and Fatigue)
Added an option to disable DPS role icons in unitframes
Added gradients to party castbars
Added a few shadows
Updated unitframe orientation to only run on ElvUI unitframes that lack the option
Fixed BigWigs import being disabled while BigWigs was loaded due to another BigWigs addon not being loaded
Fixed portrait automatic rotation running when the unitframe was disabled
Fixed retail pet unitframe having happiness tag
Fixed Gradient Colors in OmniCD interrupt bars
Fixed an error while loading in Wrath/Classic
Fixed the tooltip in Unitframe Orientation
Fixed custom class backdrop color
3.8.7 Complete Changelog
Added DBM skin, similar to BigWigs skin
Added Sarkareth to portrait fix
Updated Teleports Datatext to show correct Icon on login
Updated Details Name Gradient with a fix for long names
Fixed a possible issue in Classic Era for Teleports Datatext
Fixed the Group Finder Eye in Retail showing after combat
Fixed an issue with some tag options
Fixed Keystone Frame skin
v3.8.6.1 Complete Changelog
Added Icons and Cooldowns for the Item or Spell selected in Eltruism Teleport Datatext
Added Khadin to NPC ignore list for Quest Auto Accept
Added Town Portal to Teleport Datatext
Added shadows to Addon compartment
Adde a few models to portrait fix
Added Neltharion to Portrait Fix
Updated Tooltip Gradient to avoid issues with Icons
Updated Tooltip Gradient to be independent of Ilvl
Updated some tag functions thanks to Simpy
Fixed a possible error with the Teleport Datatext if hovered over during loading screens
Fixed an issue where other addons could cause the Tooltip gradient to error
Fixed ElvUI Skin interfering with the transmog frame selection
Fixed Gradient Power colors in Classic Era
3.8.6 Complete Changelog
Added Icons and Cooldowns for the Item or Spell selected in Eltruism Teleport Datatext
Added Khadin to NPC ignore list for Quest Auto Accept
Added Town Portal to Teleport Datatext
Added shadows to Addon compartment
Added Neltharion to Portrait Fix
Updated Tooltip Gradient to avoid issues with Icons
Updated Tooltip Gradient to be independent of Ilvl
Fixed a possible error with the Teleport Datatext if hovered over during loading screens
Fixed ElvUI Skin interfering with the transmog frame selection
Fixed Gradient Power colors in Classic Era
v3.8.5.1 Complete Changelog
Added options to customize the Teleport/Hearthstone Datatext to use other Spells/Items
Added Season 2 Mythic Plus Bosses to Nameplate Classification Icons
Added Aberrus and World Bosses to Nameplate Classification Icons
Added an option to disable Gradient Names in Details Skin
Added shadows to base Loot Frame
Added shadows to widgets
Updated Low Latency Mode to not show in Retail since it was added to default UI
Updated Castbar Spark for Party frames to only run when in an actual Party
Updated several Spell Generators for the Nameplate Power Bar in Retail
Updated Tooltip options to move it into Skins instead of Unitframes
Updated Nameplate Style Filters to remove Explosive references
Updated Chat Icons and Chat Gradient to run independently
Updated Queue Status in DPS/Tank and Healer profiles
Updated Minimap Hide to also hide Queue Status
Updated how Eltruism Options is toggled
Updated Classic Era Details Profiles
Updated German translation by Dlarge
Updated Hekili Skin
Fixed a possible issue in the Quests Skin where the Texture in the Progress Bar could flash
Fixed missing transparency and wrong default color in Target Cast Bar Gradient
Fixed an issue with shadows and info panel on top in raid frames
Fixed an error with progress bars in Retail Quests Skin
Fixed a possible issue with Pet Glow Colors in Wrath
Fixed an error in Classic Era due to Details changes
Fixed a possible issue with the Cursor Cooldowns
Fixed a possible error with Mail Sound TTS
Fixed Wowhead quest button in Retail
Fixed Pet Power Effect Alpha
3.8.5 Complete Changelog
Added options to customize the Teleport/Hearthstone Datatext to use other Spells/Items
Added Season 2 Mythic Plus Bosses to Nameplate Classification Icons
Added Aberrus and World Bosses to Nameplate Classification Icons
Added an option to disable Gradient Names in Details Skin
Added shadows to base Loot Frame
Added shadows to widgets
Updated Low Latency Mode to not show in Retail since it was added to default UI
Updated Castbar Spark for Party frames to only run when in an actual Party
Updated several Spell Generators for the Nameplate Power Bar in Retail
Updated Tooltip options to move it into Skins instead of Unitframes
Updated Nameplate Style Filters to remove Explosive references
Updated Chat Icons and Chat Gradient to run independently
Updated Queue Status in DPS/Tank and Healer profiles
Updated Minimap Hide to also hide Queue Status
Updated how Eltruism Options is toggled
Updated Hekili Skin
Fixed a possible issue in the Quests Skin where the Texture in the Progress Bar could flash
Fixed missing transparency and wrong default color in Target Cast Bar Gradient
Fixed an issue with shadows and info panel on top in raid frames
Fixed a possible issue with Pet Glow Colors in Wrath
Fixed a possible issue with the Cursor Cooldowns
Fixed a possible error with Mail Sound TTS
Fixed Wowhead quest button in Retail
Fixed Pet Power Effect Alpha
v3.8.4.1 Complete Changelog
Added an option to disable the reversed gradient on target health frame
Added [eltruism:reverseReleafgradient:player] tag with gradient icons
Added [eltruism:reverseReleafgradient:all] tag with gradient icons
Added [eltruism:Releafgradient:player] tag with gradient icons
Added [eltruism:Releafgradient:all] tag with gradient icons
Added an option to use a custom font on the Error Frame
Added [name:eltruism:gradientdefaultcolorsshort] tag
Added a fix for the Friendly Nameplates not showing
Added options to change the Ghost text into Icons
Added Gradient to Item names, alongside settings
Added [name:eltruism:gradientdefaultcolors] tag
Added Eltruism to the Addon Compartment Frame
Added settings for Private Auras in Retail
Added an option to scale the Loot Frame
Added an option to make Glows Gradient
Added [eltruism:perhpstatus] tag
Added [eltruism:levelskull2] tag
Added gradients to Details names
Added Skin for Cell Unitframes
Added another Skull icon
Updated [eltruism:effectivehp] to show only in classic since the formula is for classic only
Updated general ElvUI Texture to ElvUI Norm1 instead of Asphyxia due to ElvUI Skin
Updated Transparent Power on unitframes to use the ElvUI unitframe texture instead
Updated [name:eltruism:gradienttranslit] tag to allow length to be customizable
Updated ElvUI Skin to work with more Buttons when Buttons skinning is disabled
Updated [name:eltruism:gradientshort] tag to allow length to be customizable
Updated Class Bars to follow power transparency if enabled in ElvUI
Updated [eltruism:stance] to use throttled time instead of events
Updated Nameplate Health Height to also adjust when its casting
Updated general Gradient functions with Simpy's advice
Updated iOS and Material role icons
Updated German locale by Dlarge
Updated Minimal Aura Filtering
Fixed a possible issue where the value from Dynamic Resolution Min was not applying
Fixed an issue where gradient names could reverse on party/raid frames
Fixed a possible issue in the Transmog Window when using ElvUI Skin
Fixed models showing up during Dark Souls or GTA death animations
Fixed [eltruism:classcolor] tag sometimes not returning colors
Fixed Target Portrait Fix causing issues with paused portraits
Fixed an issue with Gradient Power and non Thin Unitframes
Fixed gradient mode missing gradient texture in light mode
Fixed Blizzard's Alt Power spamming when not shown
Fixed [eltruism:reverseclass:all] missing icons
Fixed Unitframe Shadows in more configurations
Fixed extra pixels on the Target Arrow Texture
Added Gradient Class Icons to Chat Class Icons
Fixed a possible error when Pet Battle ends
Fixed Details Embed always showing up
Fixed Aura Bars reversed gradient
Fixed Boss Frame Spaced Shadows
Fixed a few missing options
Fixed Map Pin Max Distance