This is a part of my small effort in creating some basic projects implemented in ROS. As I am totally new at learning ROS, feel free to give constructive comments. If you are absolutely new at learning ROS, it might help you. You may use the codes as-is.
This is an obstacle avoidance technique simulated with Turtlebot 3 in Gazebo, ROS. The Turtlebot uses planar laser range-finder to detect obstacles in front as well as 15 degrees left and right from the front. Then based on the obstacle range, it either goes forward with linear velocity or, stops and rotates with angular velocity until it finds an obstacle-free path to go forward again.
- Python 2
- Gazebo (comes pre-installed with ros-desktop-full)
- Turtlebot 3 simulation package
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone
cd ~/catkin_ws
roslaunch turtlebot3_gazebo turtlebot3_world.launch
roslaunch obstacle-avoidance-turtlebot naive_obs_avoid.launch
The code inside the src
folder already has necessary comments to understand what's going on.
We define a obstacle_avoidance_node
which subscribes to /scan
topic and reads LaserScan
type messages (because we want to detect obstacles). And it publishes Twist
type message to /cmd_vel
topic (because we want to move the robot).
If you do rosmsg show LaserScan
and rosmsg show Twist
, you would see the message formats.
- we are interested in the
float32[] ranges
from theLaserScan
message which is nothing but alist
of 359 obstacle distances from the robot (0 degree to 359 degree). And, - we are interested in both
3D vectors' x and z values, respectively (to move forward and rotate) from theTwist
This is implemented on Ubuntu 18.04, ROS Melodic Morenia.