Generated from Minecraft Plugin Template
A Minecraft plugin that updates the way fire works and makes it much more powerful.
A little-noticed fact about Minecraft fire is that it is much weaker than its real-life counterpart.
Minecraft fire goes out naturally after some time, even if there wasn't much of a reason for that to happen.
Standing on highly-flammable blocks such as logs, coal blocks, or even TNT while you're burning would surely spell doom for the whole building you're in, right? Nope - fire doesn't spread from an entity to a block, only the other way around.
This plugin aims to fix these discrepancies and give fire the power it deserves. The result is that fire becomes more akin to a natural disaster that is not to be messed with - a force of nature that is difficult to survive, let alone contain.
- Update the changelog if needed.
- Update features if needed.
- Update issues if needed.
- Update to-do if needed.
Inflamity © 2025 Esoteric Enderman is licensed under the AGPL 3.0 only.
kotlin plugin minecraft paper fire minecraft-plugin mc survival difficulty mc-dev game-mechanics minecraft-plugins mc-kotlin papermc minecraft-survival minecraft-plugin-development minecraft-fire minecraft-paper minecraft-paper-plugin minecraft-paper-plugins