An interactive machine learning application on a virtual robot within a pybullet simulated environment
A Pepper robot uses a camera to capture and mimic the arm movements of another Pepper robot.
- tensorflow 2.6.0
- qibullet 1.4.3
- opencv-contrib-python
- scikit-learn 1.0.1
A custom class that uses the mediapipe library for pose detection
Generates dataset for training.
It spawns two Pepper robots facing each other. One uses its camera to track the arm movement of the second, the second tracks the arms position it does.
Three landmarks are used for each side (Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist) making then a total of 6 points each with 3 coordinates.
Eight angles are recorded by the second Pepper corresponding to arm movement.
The dataset is created in a numpy array and then saved as an dataset<dataset_size>.npz
where .npz is a zipped numpy format.
Creates a sequential keras model to train on the previously generated dataset.
Has a normalization as a first layer.
The model is saved in the directory model
Creates a model using the multiOutputRegressor of scikit-learn. An alternative to the previously created keras model.
Uses pickle to save the model as model.pkl
Deploys the model on the first Pepper robot to try to mimic the second robot.
A dataset with 50,000 datapoints have been previously generated. The dataset is named dataset50000.npz