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- pfQuest addon and many other great addons from Shagu - https://shagu.org/
- Frostshock's Vanilla WoW Addons By Category (WABC) - an older list, but still useful to this day
- Turtle WoW Addons Wiki - this large, frequently updated community list supports a custom vanilla server, but many addons could still work on normal vanilla servers. Turtle WoW also uniquely has a significant third-party mod scene.
- Crazypoultry WoW 1.12.1 Addons Collection - one of the largest and oldest addon collections, dating back to the days of the Nostalrius server
- Meridaw Vanilla Macros collection - special mention for Meridaw's great selection of many pure vanilla macros. In vanilla, macros and addons can have significant crossover because macro commands are so few and much of the WoW API is still accessible via the same Lua language to both addons and macros