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World of Warcraft Vanilla 1.12.1 Addons 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How to install a WoW addon

  1. If you never launched WoW, double click WoW.exe or otherwise launch WoW.
  2. Log in with one of your characters.
  3. After login, exit the game completely. In future, to add new addons you will still need to exit the game to see them.
  4. Download the addon that you want.
  5. Extract it into the WoW Interface\AddOns folder, e.g. C:\GAMES\World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns
  6. Double click WoW.exe or otherwise launch WoW.
  7. At the Character Select screen, look in the lower left corner for the "AddOns" button.
  8. If button is there, click it and make sure all the addons you installed are listed and make sure "Load out of date AddOns" is checked.
  9. If the button is NOT there, this means you did not install any addons properly.

Common issue: if you downloaded your addon from a Github site, then you may need to rename the extracted folder to remove the ending "-main" or "-master" from it.

Have you installed an addon and it is not showing up in WoW?

Rule 1: Make sure that in each folder immediately below Interface\AddOns, there is a .toc file in it. This is the addon folder.
Rule 2: Make sure that this addon folder matches the name of the .toc file.


  • GOOD ✅ : Interface\AddOns\LunaUnitFrames\LunaUnitFrames.toc
  • BAD ❌ : Interface\AddOns\LunaUnitFrames-master\LunaUnitFrames\LunaUnitFrames.toc

Browse by Category 

Action Bars 

Addons Management 


Auction and Economy 

Audio and Video 

Bags and Inventory 

Boss Encounters and Raids 

Buffs and Debuffs 

Chat and Communications 




Data Export 

Damage Meters 

Development Tools 



Looking for Group 




Map and Minimap 





Quests and Leveling 

Roleplay (RP) 



Unit Frames 

Quality of Life (QoL) 











Browse by Name 

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


  • Accountant - Logs your WoW incomings / outgoings
  • Ace - AddOn development and management toolkit.
  • AckisRecipeList - Displays a list of missing recipes for your trade skills. Works with all trade skills, including rogue poisons and hunter beast training.
  • AdvancedTradeSkillWindow - An improved window for your tradeskills for Vanilla
  • Atlas - Atlas: instance Map Browser
  • Auctioneer - Displays item info and analyzes auction data. Use "/auctioneer scan" at AH to collect auction data.
  • AutoBar - Configurable set of buttons that seeks out configured items in your pack for use. Intended primarily for consumables. Not for use with spells, skills, trinkets, or powers.
  • AutoInvite - Automatically sends a group invite to someone who is using the prescribed string.
  • Automaton - Reduces interface tedium by doing the little things for you.
  • aux-addon - Auction House replacement


  • Bagnon - Displays the player's inventory in a single frame.
  • Bartender2 - ActionBar AddOn which modifies the layout using buttons provided by Blizzard
  • BetterAlign - A better version of Align
  • BetterCharacterStats - Displays character statistics in one place (just like the character tab in Burning Crusade).
  • BigWigs 20022 - Hosq Fondlez - Boss Mods with Timer bars.
  • BigWigs 20051 - Relar - Boss Mods with Timer bars.
  • Bongos - Movable Bar Framework
  • BuffCheck2 - Wow 1.12 addon to monitor consumes. Add each consume using the add command below. The interface will only display an icon of the consume when the consume is not active. Right clicking the icon uses the consume. If there is nothing to display the interface will display a placeholder and update again when a consume expires. Also gives a five and two minute expiration warning for each consume, then gives another message when the consume expires.
  • BuyEmAll - Enhances shift-click interface at vendors


  • Cartographer - Addon to manipulate the map
  • cerniesWonderfulFunctions - Script methods for using specific items and helping players create simple(er) macros.
  • ChatLog - Logs and display the chat.
  • ClassicSnowfall - Keydown Cast Support for Vanilla
  • CleanMinimap - Provides total control over your minimap.
  • Clique - Simply powerful click-casting interface
  • ColorPickerPlus - Replaces standard Color Picker to provide text entry for colors (RGB and hex values), copy and paste, and starting color and copied color swatches.
  • CooldownCount - Allows you to see time until actions have cooled down in the buttons.
  • CustomNameplates - Smaller stylized mouse-disabled nameplates with player class icons, target debuffs, target indicator. Lua-only settings at _settings.lua.
  • ccwatch - Progress bars for CCs and DRs
  • cdframes - Cooldown timer frames
  • cooline - displays icons of spells and items on a single bar/line to give you an idea of when it will be ready
  • CT Mod - collection of addons, including CT_AllBags, CT_BagMod, CT_BarMod, CT_BottomBar, CT_BuffMod, CT_ExpenseHistory, CT_HailMod, CT_ItemBuffs, CT_MailMod, CT_MapMod, CT_MasterMod, CT_MovableParty, CT_PartyBuffs, CT_PlayerNotes, CT_QuestLevels, CT_RABossMods, CT_RaidAssist, CT_RaidTracker, CT_ShieldMod, CT_TickMod, CT_Timer, CT_UnitFrames, CT_Viewport, FixCTGroups, FuBar_CTRaid
  • CT_RaidTracker - Counts raid loot and attendance


  • DebuffFilter - Filter out specific target debuffs and player buffs into a separate frame.
  • DebuffTimers - Timer Overlays for enemy buffs and debuffs
  • Decursive - This is a raid cleaning mod. The idea behind this is to iterate though the raid party, and cure who ever needs it. It also work on teams, but was written with raids in mind. Pets were added since some debuffs are PBAoE.
  • DevTools - Debgugging, Exploration, and Diagnostic Tools (v1.0pre2)
  • DisableEscape - Disables escape button cancelling party invites and summons


  • EQL3 - Extended QuestLog is an extension of the questlog. Choose from different layouts as well as many nice features.
  • ElkBuffBar - Shows player's buffs and debuffs as bars
  • enginventory - AutoSorting Inventory Replacement
  • EquipCompare - Compare items easily with ones you have equipped (2.9.8)
  • EasyCopy - Clickable Timestamp to copy a message.


  • FishingBuddy - Help with fishing related tasks -- clothing, fish information
  • FonzAppraiser - Tracks the value of personal loot.
  • FonzSummon - Chat messages during Warlock summoning
  • FreeRefills - Automatic Refilling of User Defined Items by Kyahx
  • FuBar - A panel that modules can plug into.


  • GearMenu - Addon to manage usable gear
  • GrimoireKeeper - Tracks which grimoires your warlock pets have learned.


  • HBPowerInfusion - Helper for Power Infusion Priests, also has some functionality for tracking Shadow Weaving when used with Chronometer.
  • HealComm - Visual representation of incoming heals


  • IgniteMonitor - Monitors Ignites
  • ignitestatus - Indicators for Ignite and Scorch
  • ImprovedErrorFrame - Display errors in scrollable/selecting frame
  • Invite O' Matic - for all you raid/instance/bg group leaders out there. And for you who would just like to make it simple for your friends to group up with you


  • JIM_CooldownPulse - Version 1.10.26 - As spells, actions, and items become available, their icons will flash in a conspicuous place.



  • LieExp - Adds an experience p/hour p/minute tracking tooltip and a simple customisable bar
  • LunaUnitFrames - Lightweight Unit Frames in a modern look.
  • _LazyPig - UI Enhancements


  • MCP - Addon loading control after login
  • Mail - Mailbox enhancement
  • MapCoords - Shows cursor/player coords on worldmap and shows coords below your portrait and your party members portrait (use "/mc player" and "/mc wc" to enable)
  • MikScrollingBattleText - Scrolls battle information around the character model.
  • MissingTradeSkillsList - Shows missing skills & recipes for a profession and where to get them.
  • MobInfo2 - Adds information about the hovered mob to the tooltip and shows health/mana information in the target frame
  • ModifiedPowerAuras (Continued) - Modified Power Auras is an advanced version of the original Power Auras from Sinesther, further development by Berranzan.
  • ModifiedPowerAuras - Modified Power Auras is an advanced version of the original Power Auras from Sinesther.
  • MoveAnything - Updated for patch 1.10 by Scorpia with Xanuri fix for MainMenuBar
  • MrPlow - Regain that wasted space!


  • Necronomicon - (Warlock) soul shard management
  • Necrosis - graphical management of (Warlock) soul shards
  • _Nameplates - Makes nameplates less obtrusive and gives lists of nearby friendly/hostile units.
  • ntmysFixLoadingTimes - Improves loading-times when switching zones


  • !OmniCC - CooldownCount for Everything
  • Outfitter - create named sets of gear and then switch to them on the fly by Hotkey or Menu Option.
  • oRA2 - lightweight alternative to CT_RaidAssist


  • PallyPower - Paladin aura and buff management addon
  • PingoMatic - Minimap Ping Improvements
  • Possessions - AddOn to keep track of all of your items, by Oystein (updated by Kudane)
  • PowerAuras - Buff/Debuff effects around the player.
  • ProfessionLevel - Shows the minimum gathering level of profession resource nodes on mouseover.
  • Punschrulle - Highly customizable castbar.


  • QuestAnnouncer - QuestAnnouncer sends a party message as you advance in a quest.
  • QuestHaste - boost your quest delivery
  • QuestHistory - An in-game history of quests accepted, completed, and abandoned.
  • QuestItem - QuestItem stores an in-game database over quest items and tell you which quest they belong to. Useful to find out if you are still on the quest, and if it safe to destroy it.


  • RABuffs - Monitors a raid / party group, displaying various statistics.
  • Radar - Keeps track of hostile players around you.
  • RangeColor - Change the icon color when out of range, no mana, etc. Use << /rc >> or << /rangecolor >> for the options menu.
  • Recap - Displays the damage and healing of all participants in combat
  • RightClick - simple addon to disable right click attacking enemies.
  • RingMenu - additional circular action bar that normally remains hidden but can be summoned by a click of a (mouse) button.
  • Roid-Macros - Vanilla macros on steroids!


  • sentry - Shows frames for nearby enemy players
  • ShaguChat - Hides and highlights chat messages with specific keywords. Type /sc or /shaguchat for usage info.
  • ShaguInventory - A fork of InventoryCounter. Shows the count of items in your inventory of all charactes on the same account.
  • ShaguValue - Show item sell and buy values
  • SimpleActionSets - Allows all existing actions to be saved to a set which can be changed to later.
  • SimpleAutoDelete - A lightweight and minimal list-based addon to automatically delete unwanted items.
  • SmartLoot - an unobtrusive group loot frames addon
  • SmartRes - Smart Ressing
  • SoulShardManager - Keeps your Soul Shards in check.
  • SpecialTalent - Needed to load SpecialTalentUI, an improved talent frame.
  • SummonsMonitor - Makes it easy for one or more warlocks to coordinate summons of multiple people.
  • SUCC-ecb - Why sip if you can S U C C?(and have an enemy castbar)
  • SuperMacro - Unlimited 'Super' macros hold up to 7000 letters. Run macros with keybindings and through other macros and from events. In-game code extender editor. Item link into macros. Tooltips over macros on actionbars. Convenient slash commands and functions.


  • Talentsaver - Save & Load your Talents easily with this AddOn. Originally created for ViroUI.
  • TheoryCraft - Tells you everything about an ability, right on the tooltip.
  • TimeManager - Time Management features from patch 2.4.3+. These features include an alarm clock, stopwatch, and viewing your computer's local time.
  • TipBuddy - Enhanced, configurable unit tooltip.



  • VCB - Vanilla Consolidate Buff-Frames (VCB) is a smart system to manage your auras. The AddOn provides a lot functions to customize it to your tastes and adds a lot of helpful functions for a better overview, which is its purpose in the first place anyway.


  • WIM - Give whispers an instant messenger feel.




  • Zorlen - Functions to reduce macro sizes and avoid character limits in macros.
  • zBar - Action Bar Enhance.|n ZeroFire's burning ceiling
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