ts-datapacks is a TypeScript library for creating Minecraft datapack. It started out as just some cobbled together scripts for a data pack I was making, but I decided I wanted to make it into a library to use on future projects.
- Type safe interface for creating Minecraft data packs
- No need to learn a new language or syntax
- Pack Version 48+ (1.21+)
- mcfunction generation (for doing macro like operations in mcfunction files)
- Static directory for non-generated files and/or unsupported features
- Project initialization
- Syntax highlighting for embedded mcfunction strings
- Type safe recipe definitions
- Type safe dimension definitions
- Type safe loot table definitions
- Type safe advancement definitions
- Type safe structure definitions
- Type safe tag definitions
- Older pack version support
bun add -g https://github.com/foopis23/ts-datapacks
bux tsmc init <project-name> # this will create a new directory named ./<project-name> and create the initial project in there
bun run build