Radioactivity unit conversions, half life, and decay calculations made quick and easy for Flutter and Dart. These calculations are not difficult, but this package was created to help reduce the work of looking up conversion factors and equations. If you use subatomico in your app, please let us know, so we can proudly let everyone else know.
Add subatomico to your pubspec.yaml file, then import it as needed.
import 'package:subatomico/subatomico.dart';
The subatomico package consists of only three easy classes:
- Radionuclide - specify the isotope
- Activity - specify how much radioactivity
- Radioactive - calculate decay
I have a 12.4 mCi dose of F-18 Fluorodeoxyglucose right now, but the patient is unable to be injected for another 3 hours. What will be the new activity at that time?
// specify the 3 components of a Radioactive substance
var f18 = Radionuclide.isotope('F-18');
var initialActivity = Activity(12.4, 'mCi');
var calibrationTime =;
// then create the Radioactive substance
var f18fdg = Radioactive(f18, initialActivity, calibrationTime);
// now calculate the new Activity
var newActivity = f18fdg.activityAfter(new Duration(hours:3)).inMillicurie;//
This is probably enough to get most of you started, but read on for more options on input and output.
You would want to create an instance of the Radionuclide class for the following situations:
- to reference built-in halflife values without having to look them up. The halflives of about 80 radioisotopes used in industry are included, especially those used in nuclear medicine. Use the IUPAC recommended syntax and capitalization for isotopes (e.g. "In-111" and "indium-111").
- to specify a radionuclide for the Radioactive class for decay calculations
var radioiodine = Radionuclide.isotope('I-131');
var uranium = Radionuclide.isotope('uranium-235');
var technetium = Radionuclide.isotope('Tc99m'); //both Tc-99 and Tc-99m are included
var pointSource = Radionuclide.isotope('COBALT 57'); //incorrect syntax but will still work
How do you know if a radioisotope is included in the built-in list? You can check individually or get a list of all (e.g. to create a pulldown menu, etc.):
bool isU238included = Radionuclide.included('U-238'); //true
bool isU237included = Radionuclide.included('U-237'); //false
var listOfAllIsotopes = Radionuclide.listAbbreviations();//Am-241, At-211, etc.
var listOfAllIsotopes = Radionuclide.listFullNames(); // americum-241, astatine-211, etc.
The list of radioisotopes whose halflives are built into this app includes:
Am-241, At-211, Au-195, Ba-133, Bi-212, Bi-213, C-11, C-14, Ca-45, Cd-109, Cl-36, Co-57, Co-58, Co-60, Cr-51, Cs-131, Cs-137, Cu-62, Cu-64, Cu-67, Dy-165, Er-169, F-18, Fe-55, Fe-59, Ga-67, Ga-68, Ge-68, H-3, Ho-166, I-123, I-124, I-125, I-129, I-131, In-111, In-113m, Ir-192, Kr-81m, Kr-85, Lu-177, Mo-99, N-13, Na-22, Na-24, Ni-63, O-15, P-32, P-33, Pb-212, Pd-103, Po-210, Pu-239, Ra-223, Ra-226, Rb-81, Rb-82, Re-186, Re-188, Rn-222, S-35, Sc-47, Se-75, Sm-153, Sn-113, Sr-82, Sr-85, Sr-89, Sr-90, Tc-99, Tc-99m, Th-227, Tl-201, U-235, U-238, W-188, Xe-133, Y-90, Yb-169
If an isotope is not in this list, you can create any Radionuclide instance by providing the halflife using a dartlang Duration:
var uranium237 = Radionuclide.halflife(new Duration(days:6, hours:18));
Getting the halflife property returns a dartlang Duration. Note that when inDays, inHours, inMinutes, and inSeconds is requested, Duration rounds down and returns an integer.
var krypton81m = Radionuclide.isotope('Kr-81m');
print(krytpton81m.halflife.inSeconds); //13
You would want to create an instance of the Activity class for the following situations:
- to easily convert radioactivity units between Curies, becquerels, counts per minute, etc
- to specify a radioactivity amount for the Radioactive class for decay calculations
var initialActivity = Activity.millicurie(10.0);
var radioiodineDose = Activity.microcurie(257);
var basicActivity = Activity.becquerel(3.7e10);
var sourceActivity = Activity.megabecquerel(1.2);
var testActivity = Activity.countsPerSecond(43);
var counterActivity = Activity.countsPerMinute(52004);
var initialActivity = Activity(12.4, 'mCi');
var injectedDose = Activity("10.4 millicuries");
Create a Radioactive instance by providing all three of the following:
- the radionuclide, using the Radionuclide class (described above)
- the radioactivity amount, using the Activity class (described above)
- the time of the radioactivity amount occurs or is measured, using dartlang DateTime