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List of scheduling criteria

Jose M Framiñán edited this page Nov 25, 2023 · 6 revisions

Classic scheduling criteria seek to minimize the maximum value or the sum of values across jobs of a job-level measure. The first are denoted as min-max type criteria whereas the second are denoted as min-sum type criteria. Both are presented in the next sections.

Min-max type

These criteria compute the maximum value of the corresponding job-level measure. In this regard, the methods implementing the criteria are redundant as they can be obtained by applying the max() function to the job-level measure, i.e. Tmax(solution) is equivalent to max( Tj(solution) ). These methods are:

  • Cmax(solution) - computes the makespan or maximum completion time of the solution given in solution.
  • Emax(solution) - computes the maximum earliness of the solution given in solution.
  • Fmax(solution) - computes the maximum flowtime of the solution given in solution.
  • Lmax(solution) - computes the maximum lateness of the solution given in solution.
  • Tmax(solution) - computes the maximum tardiness of the solution given in solution.
  • max_WjCj(solution) - computes the weighted makespan or maximum completion time of the given in solution.
  • max_WjEj(solution) - computes the weighted maximum earliness of the solution given in solution.
  • max_WjFj(solution) - computes the weighted maximum flowtime of the solution given in solution.
  • max_WjLj(solution) - computes the weighted maximum lateness of the solution given in solution.
  • max_WjTj(solution) - computes the weighted maximum tardiness of the solution given in solution.

Min-sum type

These criteria compute the sum of the values of the corresponding job-level measure. In this regard, the methods implementing the criteria are redundant as they can be obtained by applying the sum() function to the job-level measure, i.e. SumTj(solution) is equivalent to sum( Tj(solution) ). These methods are:

  • SumCj(solution) - computes the sum of the completion times of the solution given in solution.
  • SumEj(solution) - computes the sum of the earliness of the solution given in solution.
  • SumFj(solution) - computes the sum of the flowtime of the solution given in solution.
  • SumLj(solution) - computes the sum of the lateness of the solution given in solution.
  • SumTj(solution) - computes the sum of the tardiness of the solution given in solution.
  • SumUj(solution) - computes the sum of the tardy jobs in the solution given in solution.
  • SumWjCj(solution) - computes the sum of the weighted completion times of the solution given in solution.
  • SumWjEj(solution) - computes the sum of the weighted earliness of the solution given in solution.
  • SumWjFj(solution) - computes the sum of the weighted flowtime of the solution given in solution.
  • SumWjLj(solution) - computes the sum of the weighted lateness of the solution given in solution.
  • SumWjTj(solution) - computes the sum of the weighted tardiness of the solution given in solution.
  • SumWjUj(solution) - computes the sum of the weighted tardy jobs in the solution given in solution.