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Julius Bañgate edited this page Apr 15, 2023 · 3 revisions
Annotation 2023-04-14 182942_AntForaging

Path: Library models/Toy Models/Ants (Foraging and Sorting)/models/Ant Foraging.gaml

* Name: Ant Foraging (Complex)
* Author: 
* Description: Toy Model ant using the question of how ants search food and use pheromons to return to their 
* nest once they did find food.	
* Tags: gui, fsm, grid, diffusion
model ants

global {
	bool use_icons <- true;
	bool display_state <- false;
	//Evaporation value per cycle
	float evaporation_per_cycle <- 5.0 min: 0.0 max: 240.0 parameter: 'Evaporation of the signal (unit/cycle):' category: 'Signals';
	//Diffusion rate of the pheromon among the grid
	float diffusion_rate <- 1.0 min: 0.0 max: 1.0 parameter: 'Rate of diffusion of the signal (%/cycle):' category: 'Signals';
	//Size of the grid
	int gridsize <- 100 min: 30 parameter: 'Width and Height of the grid:' category: 'Environment and Population';
	//Number of ants
	int ants_number <- 200 min: 1 parameter: 'Number of ants:' category: 'Environment and Population';
	//Frequency of update of the grid
	int grid_frequency <- 1 min: 1 max: 100 parameter: 'Grid updates itself every:' category: 'Environment and Population';
	//Number of food places among the grid
	int number_of_food_places <- 5 min: 1 parameter: 'Number of food depots:' category: 'Environment and Population';
	float grid_transparency <- 1.0;
	image_file ant_shape const: true <- file('../images/ant.png');
	svg_file ant_shape_svg const: true <- svg_file("../images/ant.svg");
	obj_file ant3D_shape const: true <- obj_file('../images/fire-ant.obj', '../images/fire-ant.mtl', -90::{1, 0, 0});
	font regular <- font("Helvetica", 14, #bold);
	font bigger <- font("Helvetica", 18, #bold);

	//The center of the grid that will be considered as the nest location
	point center const: true <- {round(gridsize / 2), round(gridsize / 2)};
	int food_gathered <- 1;
	int food_placed <- 1;
	rgb background const: true <- rgb(99, 200, 66);
	rgb food_color const: true <- rgb(31, 22, 0);
	rgb nest_color const: true <- rgb(0, 0, 0);
	geometry shape <- square(gridsize);
	image_file terrain <- image_file("../images/soil.jpg");
	matrix<float> grid_values <- matrix<float>(as_matrix(terrain, {gridsize, gridsize}));

	init {

	// Normalization of the grid values
		float min <- min(grid_values);
		float max <- max(grid_values);
		float range <- (max - min) / 2.5;
		loop i from: 0 to: gridsize - 1 {
			loop j from: 0 to: gridsize - 1 {
				grid_values[i, j] <- (grid_values[i, j] - min) / range;


		//Creation of the food places placed randomly with a certain distance between each
		loop times: number_of_food_places {
			point loc <- {rnd(gridsize - 10) + 5, rnd(gridsize - 10) + 5};
			list<ant_grid> food_places <- (ant_grid where ((each distance_to loc) < 5));
			ask food_places {
				if food = 0 {
					food <- 5;
					food_placed <- food_placed + 5;
					color <- food_color;


		//Creation of the ants that will be placed in the nest
		create ant number: ants_number with: (location: center);
	//Reflex to diffuse the pheromon among the grid
	reflex diffuse {
		diffuse var: road on: ant_grid proportion: diffusion_rate radius: 3 propagation: gradient method: convolution;
	} }

	//Grid used to discretize the space to place food
grid ant_grid width: gridsize height: gridsize neighbors: 8 frequency: grid_frequency use_regular_agents: false use_individual_shapes: false {
	bool is_nest const: true <- (topology(ant_grid) distance_between [self, center]) < 4;
	float road <- 0.0 max: 240.0 update: (road <= evaporation_per_cycle) ? 0.0 : road - evaporation_per_cycle;
	rgb color <- is_nest ? nest_color : ((food > 0) ? food_color : ((road < 0.001) ? background : rgb(0, 99, 0) + int(road * 5))) update: is_nest ? nest_color : ((food > 0) ?
	food_color : ((road < 0.001) ? background : rgb(0, 99, 0) + int(road * 5)));
	int food <- 0;
//Species ant that will move and follow a final state machine
species ant skills: [moving] control: fsm {
	float speed <- 1.0;
	bool has_food <- false;

	//Reflex to place a pheromon stock in the cell
	reflex diffuse_road when: has_food = true {
		ant_grid(location).road <- ant_grid(location).road + 100.0;
	//Action to pick food
	action pick (int amount) {
		has_food <- true;
		ant_grid place <- ant_grid(location); <- - amount;
	//Action to drop food
	action drop {
		food_gathered <- food_gathered + 1;
		has_food <- false;
		heading <- heading - 180;
	//Action to find the best place in the neighborhood cells
	point choose_best_place {
		container list_places <- ant_grid(location).neighbors;
		if (list_places count ( > 0)) > 0 {
			return point(list_places first_with ( > 0));
		} else {
			list_places <- (list_places where ((each.road > 0) and ((each distance_to center) > (self distance_to center)))) sort_by (each.road);
			return point(last(list_places));

	//Reflex to drop food once the ant is in the nest
	reflex drop when: has_food and (ant_grid(location)).is_nest {
		do drop();
	//Reflex to pick food when there is one at the same location
	reflex pick when: !has_food and (ant_grid(location)).food > 0 {
		do pick(1);
	//Initial state to make the ant wander 
	state wandering initial: true {
		do wander(amplitude: 90.0);
		float pr <- (ant_grid(location)).road;
		transition to: carryingFood when: has_food;
		transition to: followingRoad when: (pr > 0.05) and (pr < 4);
	//State to carry food once it has been found
	state carryingFood {
		do goto(target: center);
		transition to: wandering when: !has_food;
	//State to follow a pheromon road if once has been found
	state followingRoad {
		point next_place <- choose_best_place();
		float pr <- (ant_grid(location)).road;
		location <- next_place;
		transition to: carryingFood when: has_food;
		transition to: wandering when: (pr < 0.05) or (next_place = nil);

	aspect info {
		if (use_icons) {
			draw ant_shape size: {7, 5} rotate: my heading + 1;
		} else {
			draw circle(1) wireframe: !has_food color: #red;

		if (destination != nil) {
			draw line([location + {0, 0, 0.5}, {location.x + 5 * cos(heading), location.y + 5 * sin(heading)} + {0, 0, 0.5}]) + 0.1 color: #white border: false end_arrow: 1.2;

		if (display_state) {
			draw string(self as int) color: #white font: regular at: my location + {0, -1, 0.5} anchor: #center;
			draw state color: #yellow font: bigger at: my location + {0, 0, 0.5} anchor: #center;


	aspect threeD {
		draw ant3D_shape size: {7, 5} at: (location + {0, 0, 1}) rotate: heading;

	aspect icon {
		draw ant_shape size: {7, 5} rotate: my heading + 1 wireframe: true;

	aspect icon_svg {
		draw ant_shape_svg size: {5, 7} rotate: my heading + 270 color: #black;
	} }

	//Complete experiment that will inspect all ants in a table
experiment "With Inspector" type: gui {
	parameter 'Number:' var: ants_number init: 100 unit: 'ants' category: 'Environment and Population';
	parameter 'Grid dimension:' var: gridsize init: 100 unit: '(number of rows and columns)' category: 'Environment and Population';
	parameter 'Number of food depots:' var: number_of_food_places init: 5 min: 1 category: 'Environment and Population';
	output {
		layout #split editors: false;
		display Ants type: 3d axes:false{
			image terrain position: {0.05, 0.05} size: {0.9, 0.9} refresh: false;
			agents "agents" transparency: 0.7 position: {0.05, 0.05} size: {0.9, 0.9} value: (ant_grid as list) where (( > 0) or (each.road > 0) or (each.is_nest));
			species ant position: {0.05, 0.05, 0.05} size: {0.9, 0.9} aspect: icon_svg;
			overlay transparency: 0.3 background: rgb(99, 85, 66, 255) position: {50 #px, 50 #px} size: {250 #px, 150 #px} border: rgb(99, 85, 66, 255) rounded: true {
				draw ant_shape at: {60 #px, 70 #px} size: {140 #px, 100 #px} rotate: -60;
				draw ('Food foraged: ' + (((food_placed = 0 ? 0 : food_gathered / food_placed) * 100) with_precision 2) + '%') at: {40 #px, 70 #px} font: font("Arial", 18, #bold) color:
				draw ('Carrying ants: ' + (((100 * ant count (each.has_food or each.state = "followingRoad")) / length(ant)) with_precision 2) + '%') at: {40 #px, 100 #px} font:
				font("Arial", 18, #bold) color: #white;


		inspect "All ants" type: table value: ant attributes: ['name', 'state'];


experiment "Classic" type: gui {
	parameter 'Number of ants:' var: ants_number category: 'Model';
	parameter 'Evaporation of the signal (unit/cycle):' var: evaporation_per_cycle category: 'Model';
	parameter 'Rate of diffusion of the signal (%/cycle):' var: diffusion_rate category: 'Model';
	parameter 'Use icons for the agents:' var: use_icons category: 'Display';
	parameter 'Display state of agents:' var: display_state category: 'Display';
	output {
		display Ants antialias: false type: 3d {
			light #ambient intensity: 127;
			light #default intensity: 127;
			image terrain refresh: false;
			agents "Grid" transparency: 0.4 value: ant_grid where (( > 0) or (each.road > 0) or (each.is_nest));
			species ant aspect: info;



//Complete experiment that will inspect all ants in a table
experiment "3D View" type: gui {
	parameter 'Number:' var: ants_number init: 30 unit: 'ants' category: 'Environment and Population';
	parameter 'Grid dimension:' var: gridsize init: 100 unit: '(number of rows and columns)' category: 'Environment and Population';
	parameter 'Number of food depots:' var: number_of_food_places init: 5 min: 1 category: 'Environment and Population';
	output {

		display Ants3D type: 3d show_fps: true antialias: false{
			grid ant_grid elevation: grid_values triangulation: true texture: terrain refresh: false;
			agents "Trail" transparency: 0.7 position: {0.05, 0.05, 0.02} size: {0.9, 0.9} value: (ant_grid as list) where (( > 0) or (each.road > 0) or (each.is_nest));
			species ant position: {0.05, 0.05, 0.025} size: {0.9, 0.9} aspect: threeD;



//Experiment to show how to make multi simulations
experiment "3 Simulations" type: gui {
	parameter 'Number:' var: ants_number init: 100 unit: 'ants' category: 'Environment and Population';
	parameter 'Grid dimension:' var: gridsize init: 100 unit: '(number of rows and columns)' category: 'Environment and Population';
	parameter 'Number of food depots:' var: number_of_food_places init: 5 min: 1 category: 'Environment and Population';

	// We create 2 supplementary simulations using the species name 'ants_model' (automatically created from the name of the model + '_model')
	init {
		create ants_model with: [ants_number::200, evaporation_per_cycle::100, diffusion_rate::0.2];
		create ants_model with: [ants_number::10, evaporation_per_cycle::72, diffusion_rate::0.6];

	permanent {
		display Comparison background: #white {
			chart "Food Gathered" type: series {
				loop s over: simulations {
					data "Food " + int(s) value: s.food_gathered color: s.color marker: false style: line thickness: 5;




	output {
		layout #split editors: false consoles: false toolbars: true tabs: false tray: false;
		display Ants background: color type: 3d toolbar: color axes: false {
			image terrain position: {0.05, 0.05} size: {0.9, 0.9} refresh: false;
			agents "agents" transparency: 0.5 position: {0.05, 0.05} size: {0.9, 0.9} value: (ant_grid as list) where (( > 0) or (each.road > 0) or (each.is_nest));
			species ant position: {0.05, 0.05} size: {0.9, 0.9} aspect: icon;


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  3. Global Species
    1. Regular Species
    2. Defining Actions and Behaviors
    3. Interaction between Agents
    4. Attaching Skills
    5. Inheritance
  4. Defining Advanced Species
    1. Grid Species
    2. Graph Species
    3. Mirror Species
    4. Multi-Level Architecture
  5. Defining GUI Experiment
    1. Defining Parameters
    2. Defining Displays Generalities
    3. Defining 3D Displays
    4. Defining Charts
    5. Defining Monitors and Inspectors
    6. Defining Export files
    7. Defining User Interaction
  6. Exploring Models
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    2. Batch Experiments
    3. Exploration Methods
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  8. Multi-Paradigm Modeling
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    2. Defining Differential Equations
  1. Manipulate OSM Data
  2. Diffusion
  3. Using Database
  4. Using FIPA ACL
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  6. File Type
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    3. Pseudo Variables
    4. Variables And Attributes
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