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Kernel Lifting (Graph to Hypergraph)

Guillermo Bernárdez edited this page Mar 1, 2025 · 1 revision


This is a novel lifting that utilizes kernels over graphs to infer the hyperedges. The kernels in the proposed method are in the following form: $$K(v_i, v_j) = C(K_v(v_i, v_j), K_x(x_i, x_j)),$$ where $K_v$ is a kernel over the nodes of the graph, $K_x$ is a kernel over the features of the graph (see kernel cookbook), and $C$ is a combining function (for instance, Hadamard product or sum). The resulting kernel defines a similarity measure over the graph, and we use this similarity to construct the hyperedges (it filters out the closest vertices by a threshold). Currently, we've implemented heat and Matérn graph kernels, but the method can also be used with custom kernels $$K = \exp(-Lt), \quad \quad K=\left(2 \nu / \kappa^2 I+L\right)^{-\nu},$$ where $L$ is the graph Laplacian, I is the identity matrix, and $\nu, \kappa$ and $t$ are hyperparameters. In the following figures, we show visualizations of continuous and graph kernels: image


Kernel lifting is applicable to weighted undirected graphs and can use features, graph, or features and graph topology combined for lifting.


  1. In order to apply kernel lifting only to features, use $K_v = I$ (graph_kernel) and $C(K_1, K_2) = K_1 \odot K_2$, and $K_x$ (feat_kernel) a continuous kernel.
lifting = HypergraphKernelLifting(
    graph_kernel="identity", fraction=0.1, feat_kernel=lambda X: rbf_kernel(X, X), C="prod")
  1. In order to apply kernel lifting using only graph topology, similarly to previous, use $K_x = I$ and $C(K_1, K_2) = K_1 \odot K_2$, and $K_v$ a graph kernel.
lifting = HypergraphKernelLifting(
    graph_kernel="heat", t=2, fraction=0.1, feat_kernel="identity", C="prod")
  1. To mix vertex and graph kernel, setup separately $K_x$ and $K_v$, and setup a combination function $C(K_1, K_2) = K_1 \odot K_2$ or $C(K_1, K_2) = K_1 + K_2$.
lifting = HypergraphKernelLifting(
    graph_kernel="heat", t=2, fraction=0.1, feat_kernel=lambda X: rbf_kernel(X, X), C="sum")


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