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Vietoris‐Rips Lifting (Graph to Simplicial)

Guillermo Bernárdez edited this page Mar 4, 2025 · 1 revision

Although typically used for point cloud data, this method can be adapted to graphs by treating vertices as points and defining edges based on graph distances. A k-simplex is included if the pairwise distances between its vertices are all below a certain threshold.

To construct a Vietoris-Rips complex:

  1. Define a distance metric based on the graph (e.g., shortest path distance).
  2. Select a threshold distance.
  3. Form simplices for all sets of vertices with pairwise distances less than the threshold distance.

We use nx.all_pairs_shortest_path_length to calculate the shortest path distances between all pairs of nodes in the graph. The VietorisRipsLifting class includes a distance_threshold parameter to specify the maximum allowed distance for simplex formation.


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