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2018 06 02 @ 2pm UTC

Tim McHale edited this page Jun 18, 2018 · 1 revision


  • Focus on simplicity of deployment
  • Coordinate with Tim on vagrant/terraform approach
  • Research protobuf


General architecture

  • Which technology should we use to write APIs?
    • Google protobuf? (compressed/efficient)
    • TCP sockets?
  • How should information be passed from state into transactions... and back again?
  • Possible system-call approach
    • allows interface with gvisor
  • Possible "angles of attack" for this project
    • Similar to HLF
      • Code runs in Docker
      • Spins up external Docker - external execution server
      • Don't have more than one node running on one machine
      • 5 containers - in each container is a node
      • Each node has to spin up container to run chain code
    • Vagrant/VirtualBox way of doing things
      • Then run terraform
      • Docker inside VirtualBox
      • Docker Service
    • Vagrant to AMI compatibility layer...?
      • No Docker -> AMI compatibility
      • AWS has a container registry and runner...
      • Is Vagrant -> AMI hacky? Robust?
      • Terraform - designed to deploy to AWS/rackspace/Google/Azure
        • Manages and controls VMs
        • Vagrant is the actual VM layer definition
      • Build application in Vagrant
      • Use Terraform to manage the deployment
      • Put in Azure/AWS/rackspace
    • Core devs - using Ansible
    • Developer-friendly approach
    • Some questions about getting access to GPU via Vagrant/Docker
    • Discussion around secure execution environment
    • Just run Node.js and/or Python
    • Trusted Execution Environments - TEE
    • Summary, possible angles of attack:
      • Vagrant VMs with Docker inside (terraform cloud formations) - possible
      • Docker in parallel to each Dockerized sdk - possible
      • Docker inside Docker - prob won't work - very hacky...
      • just run Node.js or Python... - meh
      • Isolated/sandboxed execution environment inside Docker - May not be flexible enough
      • mirror what core dev team is doing with Ansible?
      • Trusted Execution Environments (TEE)
  • Definitely use Fabric as inspiration
    • 4/5 instances
    • validator node/ordering service?
    • One CA, a bunch of peers, run multiple peers

Vagrant / Terraform approach

  • Tim is already looking at this
  • At this stage, prioritise looking at Vagrant/terraform way of doing things.
  • Plus looking at execution Docker in parallel to Docker service...
  • Need protocol for passing execution request to/from. Eamonn Hynes to look at this.
  • Maybe the right answer is:
    • Vagrant with multiple Docker images inside of it

Alex's Dockerized SDK & PoC

  • Configuration inside config.txt
  • Had to look into compiled code to figure out why it didn't work
  • Created an app...
  • Started to get into debug mode...
  • Alex got 150k-200k/sec tx rate in his Docker sdk
  • One of the things Alex can do as a POC - quickly write some golang implementation of interface from Fabric.
    • To plug-in custom consensus algorithm...
    • Not in the traditional sense of consensus algorithm.
    • Cryptographical.
    • No BFT algorithm in Fabric right now - They have some JIRA ticket to do that.
    • Not sure what version of BFT they want. Not even sure if it will be done this year.
  • A POC that will quickly launch a Docker container of hashgraph along with Docker containers of Fabric and composer.
    • Allows some chaincode seamlessly on top of Hedera network.
    • This is the shortest route to running chaincode on hashgraph.
    • That also gives us out of the box - smart contracts.
  • Chaincode running on top of hashgraph.
  • Written entire platform with modularity in mind.
    • One of the things documented there is (first solution that's proposed).
    • Implementing interfaces.
    • Ensure the Fabric can send the transaction, commit the transaction, handle transaction, implementable,
  • A friend of Alex is a very good back-end engineer
    • Java Scala and other languages.
    • Used in enterprise dev. Very good devops engineer.
    • A guy who likes to write network configs in Docker.
    • Continuous deployment/delivery.
    • Optimised Dockerize of instances.
  • Can run composer, hyperledger composer
  • Our goal is to "run chaincode"
    • It would take a long long time to implement something equivalent to hyperledger.
    • Robust and secure. Implemented efficiently and extensible, etc. pooly written code. Full of hardcoding. Full of bugs.
    • Experience of writing enterprise grade.
    • Ken totally fine with this approach.
    • Probably the best place to put hashgraph/sdk in was at orderer layer - 100% pluggable.
    • Still be valuable to build all the other stuff.
    • A lot more to Fabric than just ordering.
    • Must faster if we could just bootstrap off of Fabric - standardised pluggability.
    • As opposed to hacking the Fabric code.

last week of Research:

  • protobuf
    • how you build your message is how you sign it
    • JSON parsers may not guarantee ordering!!!
    • Contractual interface - entire structure.
    • protobuf should enforce this.
    • It is a contract language!
    • Need certainty that whatever we pass in will always be prepared and signed the same way.
  • How do we get this all deployed into a real environment?

Other news and musings

  • Hedera
    • Testnets - very limited access
      • Next week - more robust!
      • API - TCP connection (i.e. socket). As long as you have currency in wallet, you can make a request. Hedera Faucet... Genesis account!
      • DAs have been playing with the testnet for a couple of weeks now
      • Over next month or two - letting more people into testnet
      • Later in summer - open up to the public
      • All very exclusive for the next month or two...
      • Early stage testnet. Very exclusive list we have to work through
      • Who's gonna get earlier access to testnet?
        • People we've trusted. And have a close working relationship with. And will actually use it.
    • 3 different users categories:
      • end user (app user/wallet holder)
      • developers
      • companies (users or have developers)
  • Registration process - will be a bit different...
    • Definitely going to be having company registration
    • Setting up a registration interface for developers/companies/users
      • Monday or Tuesday - No! Maybe end of month... registration page
    • Hedera account management interface
    • Register your public keys, track progress on testnet, get access to testnet
    • Ability to define distributed apps. Register on app store.
    • Registration step
    • Marketplace step
  • Possible testnet reward model:
    • Historically: Token distribution - model. You give me money and I give you tokens.
    • You use our testnet and we give you real live tokens on the mainnet.
      • The more you do valuable things on testnet, the more credit you get.
      • The bigger chunk of token distribution you get.
    • Testnet is gonna get hammered.
      • Hammered by people who did KYC/AML.
      • One account for your identity.
      • You can use this account for everything.
    • Will eventually become anonymous testnet in future...
    • Criteria - for every smart contract that gets x number of unique executions - x credits
      • x number of transactions on network - you get x credit
      • Your portion of total volume of transactions on network
    • Time windows
    • Not so strict right now.
      • Just want people to write apps and get people using them.
      • Thresholds on how you get tracked for credit (compensated?)
      • A little bit harder to get users who are registered to use your app.
      • The more you use it, the more you get.
      • If you use your tokens, you get more tokens on the network.
    • Whole bunch of testnets
    • Build SDKs and APIs on top of it
    • Guys who engineered this - inspired by Ethereum
    • Refine API a bit. Some things they've got ideas about
    • People who know how to access these APIs know how to respond
    • Indexed array approach - not very excited about?
    • What content do we need in this array?
      • Ethereum can't do i) in one transaction, execute a multi-sig transaction.
      • In Ethereum, each particpant has to execute against
  • Alex is sick :( - Get well soon Alex!
  • Tim is also under the weather


  • Vagrant & Terraform approach (Tim)
  • Execution Docker in parallel to Docker Service
  • Protocol for passing execution request to/from (Eamonn)


  • Eamonn Hynes - Northern Ireland - Allstate Corporation
  • Alex Males - Romania
  • Craig Drabik - TxMQ - DLT - Hyperledger + EXO project
  • Ken Anderson - Hashgraph - Chief Developer Advocate