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2018 07 14 @ 2pm UTC

Tim McHale edited this page Jul 14, 2018 · 1 revision


  • Eamonn: Try to get Hyperledger network, Hashgraph & PoC working together


General architecture

  • We're all enthusiastic about the project
  • Summer holidays and work impeding focus and progress
  • Eamonn asking whether anyone has run Alex's PoC
    • He is planning to get it working locally this week.
    • He updated readme 10 days ago
    • Eamonn "gradle" renamed "hashgraph sdk spinner"
      • Separate docker containers
      • All nodes can run on same port
    • Network of virtual machines
    • Generates vagrant file
      • spin up number of VMs required
      • reason for VMs was executing VMs in secure enclaves
      • trying to spin up container within a VM
  • Should add to readme:
    • Walkthrough: How to use this (code)
    • Benefits: Why to use this
    • Hyperledger project - currently there are 2 mechanisms available:
      • Solo and Kafka
      • Would be good to see Hashgraph added as the 3rd consensus layer
        • If HL users could choose this, big benefits
        • We would hopefully be the obvious winner
  • Hedera
    • When available?
    • Viraf: Solidity - performance? Scalability
      • Try known smart-contract and compare performance
    • Persistence issue - exo demo
      • Concern about lack of historical transactions
    • HL Community - should we reach out? Greg: perhaps wait until the plugin PoC is more stable?

Other Points

  • Eamonn: Kafka pub/sub?
    • Is it worth engaging with Apache Kafka directly?
    • phased out zookeper
    • if they have re-engineering going on...
      • would it be worth plugging in hashgraph there?
    • private distributed consensus
      • private trusted network
  • Viraf: See questions from prior call
    • Issues relating to channels/configs?
  • He found BFT Opensource plugin service for hyperledger
  • Tim away next 2 saturdays


  • Performance Metrics - tps


  • Eamonn Hynes - Northern Ireland - Allstate Corporation
  • Tim McHale - Swirlds - Madrid, Spain - Ken’s team
  • Greg Scullard - Hashgraph - Developer Advocate - France
  • Viraf - MD, USA
  • Raj - ChainStar