This repo is stepper motor driver easy driver's repo.
easy driver is this <- Jump to sparkfun.
Requirements parts is this.
- Raspberry pi3 🍓
- easydriver 🚗
- stepper motor (Driving at 6V to 30V) ☝️
- AC adaptor (Voltage that meets the requirements of stepper motor) ⚡⚡⚡
- jumper wire 🔄
This table is diverted to my blog.
This table using japanese.(Sorry 😅😅🙏🙏🙏🙏)
ピン名 | 用途 |
PWR IN (GND / M+) | モータへ電源を供給する(Promote power supply) |
STEP | 立ち上がりエッジでモーターが動く,パルス幅1ms min. (pulse width) |
DIR | 回転方向を決定(Deside moving direction) |
MS1, MS2 | マイクロステップの設定。デフォルトは共にプルアップされており、1/8ステップ。(Configuration for micro steps default is pull-up each other and 1/8 steps.) |
ENABLE | HIGHにすると出力が止まる.今回はずっとLOW (If this pin HIGH able to stop stepper motor.) |
RST | 全シーケンスをHome Stateに設定,出力は停止,Reset端子がHighになるまでStep入力は無視 (All sequence set to Home State, Output is stop. To ignore will HIGH to Reset pins) |
PFD | 次の出力電流が前回より少なくなる場合,PFDピンへの入力で電流の抜け方が変化.VCCにプルアップされているので slow decay modeになっている。とりあえず非接続でよい (Don't attach) |
SLP | Sleep機能,非接続でよい (sleep pins) |
MOTOR | モーターに接続する。A/Bがそれぞれ一組 (Attach to stepper motor) |
5V | 5V出力(5V's output) |
APWR (SJ1) | ここをショートさせると外部からA3967へVCCを給電できる (If this pin shorted, able to promote VCC to A3967 from outside. |
3V/5V (SJ2) | VCC設定。ショートさせると3.3V, オープンだと5Vになる (VCC setting if this pin shorted to 3.3V, open is 5V. ) |
TP1 | 電流調整 (Adjustment to current.) |
- For bipolar stepping motors
- Input voltage is 8 V to 30 V (5 V system), 6.4 V to 30 V (3.3 V system)
- Output up to 30 V, 150 to 750 mA
- 1/1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8 micro step operation supported
- No special power supply sequence required
- Through current prevention, heat prevention, low voltage protection (of chip)
this is to rotate stepper motor.
def Drive(self, rpm):
one_rot = 200
l = rpm * one_rot
delay = 30/(2*float(l))
steps = l/6 #rotato to 5 sec
for x in range(1,steps):
YOURVALUE is int value(50~200). motor is rotate this YOURVALUE per minutes (rpm).
Default rotate time is 5 seconds.
def inv_Direction(self):
GPIO.output(23, not GPIO.input(23))
is inverse motor direction. To inverse direction is DIR
pin state will inverse.(HIGH -> LOW or LOW -> HIGH)