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DR.PHIL (Disinfecting Robot Prioritising High Interaction Locations) is an autonomous robot which can navigate a single floor, and disinfect door handles. This product was awarded 3rd place and the Robotical prize (out of 24 teams).


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Setting up the catkin workspace


-ROS-noetic -Python 3.7+ (If you're using pyenv, run pyenv local system, i.e. make sure you're using system python when running commands inside the ros-workspace directory)


The process is not that painful:

  1. cd ros-workspace
  2. rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y - this will install all missing packages (most, if it fails to install some you'll have to install manually)
  3. catkin_make
  4. source devel/

this "activates the workspace" to check if it worked run: echo $ROS_PACKAGE_PATH you should see the following within the output: <path to this repo>/SDP-DrPhil/ros-workspace/src

If you don't want to run this everytime you start a new shell you can add

<path to this repo>/SDP-DrPhil/ros-workspace/devel/ to your ~/.bashrc file

On Ubuntu, and the respective files for other distros

  1. To check if this works run roscd dr_phil_gazebo, if you see no errors, you've successfully created a custom ROS workspace and installed the dr_phil ROS package.

Starting gazebo simulation

  1. activate the workspace if you haven't already
  2. roscore
  3. roslaunch dr_phil_gazebo simulation.launch

Running behaviours

to run the behaviour tree launch rosrun dr_phil_hardware, The tree will be printed to the console along with its status.

This will initialize the main behaviour tree, see example behaviours for tips on building other behaviours.


I've setup the gazebo and hardware packages for unit and integration testing, each test is a node in the test/ directory in each package and needs to be executable,

The minimum test looks like this:


import unittest
import sys

import roslib; roslib.load_manifest(PKG)
# all unit tests are compatibile with ros
# only requirement is that we return results in an appropriate xml format 
# see:

class TestExample(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_hello_world(self):

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import rosunit

to actually execute the test we create a .test file which acts exactly like a launch file, starts up all the nodes required and the test:


  <test test-name="test" pkg="<package>" type="" />

now to run this test, we can simply execute it as a node directly: ./

or to run the whole suite of available tests run: catkin_make run_tests_<package>_rostest or catkin_make run_tests

to add tests to the suite change the CMakeLists.txt and add a rostest like so:

  find_package(rostest REQUIRED)

Interfacing with the robot

see docs

  • Teleoperation (keyboard control)
    • roslaunch turtlebot3_teleop turtlebot3_teleop_key.launch
  • See all available topics
    • rostopic list
  • Publish to a topic
    • e.g. rostopic pub /cmd_vel geometry_msgs/Twist -- '[0.1,0,0]' '[0,0,0.1]'
  • Information on a topic
    • e.g. rostopic info /cmd_vel

Visualising sensor data

Run rviz You can visualise the data by loading the config in dr_phil_gazebo/rviz/model.rviz from rviz when running the gazebo simulation

using SLAM and other launch files

if you want to follow the instructions provided on the docs, that's fine however the launch files in their packages point to the model within the actual turtlebot packages, so in order to use those launchfiles correctly you must do something similar to what was done in the simulation.launch file ,i.e. look into the package

say roscd turtlebot3_gazebo/launch check out the launch files and traverse the tree to see what they're actually launching (most of the time it's plugins from other packages with some arguments) we need our own versions of those launch files which point to our models in /urdf

slam functionality is actually provided via external node, which simply must be launched with the appropriate arguments, again have a look at the launch files

simple commands

see: for usage of /cmd_vel and /joint_trajectory_point for manually controlling the bot and arm

Decreasing performance issues

If your simulation is very slow, and you don't need all the features of the simulation (just the robot) then change the world to like so:

roslaunch dr_phil_gazebo simulation.launch world:=field

Gazebo simulation world files

You can find the various different Gazebo worlds in the <path to this repo>/ros-workspace/src/dr_phil_gazebo/worlds directory. Each world has a version with and without obstacles.

Further notes:

  1. This error alone upon launch is fine: [spawn_urdf-4] process has died [pid 27330, exit code 1, cmd /opt/ros/noetic/lib/gazebo_ros/spawn_model -urdf -model dr_phil_gazebo -x -2.0 -y -0.5 -z 0.0 -param robot_description __name:=spawn_urdf __log:=/home/<username>/.ros/log/d0f6ea0e-6a38-11eb-8b01-c9c2a073f777/spawn_urdf-4.log]. log file: /home/<username>/.ros/log/d0f6ea0e-6a38-11eb-8b01-c9c2a073f777/spawn_urdf-4*.log


we're using py_trees to model complex behaviours, for documentation see here:

and here for the ros specific behaviours and utilitites:


DR.PHIL (Disinfecting Robot Prioritising High Interaction Locations) is an autonomous robot which can navigate a single floor, and disinfect door handles. This product was awarded 3rd place and the Robotical prize (out of 24 teams).








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