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Mark Seuffert edited this page Aug 11, 2015 · 25 revisions

All media is located in the media folder. You can store your images and other files here.


The downloads folder contains files to download. The images folder is the place to store your images. For a small website put all images inside this folder, otherwise use multiple folders. All media folders and file types are available on your website. You can create additional folders and organise media files as you like.


Here's how to use images on a page. Open the file content/1-home/page.txt in your favorite text editor. Add ![image](icon.png) to the text of the page. The home page shows now the website icon.

![image](icon.png) shows http://website/media/images/icon.png
![image](picture.jpg) shows http://website/media/images/picture.jpg

You can also use the image plugin to resize images and create thumbnails.

[image icon.png] shows http://website/media/images/icon.png
[image picture.jpg] shows http://website/media/images/picture.jpg

Images in different sizes:

[image picture.jpg Picture - 64 64]
[image picture.jpg Picture - 320 200]
[image picture.jpg Picture - 50%]


You can use the Youtube plugin and Vimeo plugin to embed videos.

[youtube fhs55HEl-Gc] shows
[vimeo 13387502] shows

Embedding a Youtube video:

[youtube fhs55HEl-Gc]
[youtube fhs55HEl-Gc left 200 112]
[youtube fhs55HEl-Gc right 200 112]

Embedding a Vimeo video:

[vimeo 13387502]
[vimeo 13387502 left 200 112]
[vimeo 13387502 right 200 112]

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