Konzeptionelle, technische und didaktische Überlegungen zu einem E-Portfolio für das lebensbegleitende Lernen
Vortrag am 21.10.2016 auf dem ÖZBF-Kongress in Salzburg
Ein PDF der Präsentation findet sich hier.
This presentation was built with Markdown, Pandoc and Reveal.js.
To build it yourself, install Reveal.js via bower
bower install reveal.js
Then type
pandoc -t revealjs -s main.md -o main.html -V revealjs-url=./bower_components/reveal.js -V theme=sky -V history=true -V controls=false -V css=style.css -V center=true -V transition=fade --slide-level=2
Open main.html
in Google Chrome or Chromium.
In order to (nearly) immediately preview what you write on a slide use a combination of two Atom packages:
The first package allows to open main.html
with localhost:3000
in Chrome while developing. Whenever main.html
is changed, the file reloads and you get what you deserve.
Problem: You work on main.md
and save it. You need to run the pandoc command shown above to change the file that's being shown in the browser, main.html
. Thus, use the second package to run the command automatically when main.md
was changed.
Hint: Place Atom to the left and Chrome on the right on your screen to avoid switching windows.
Dieses Werk ist lizenziert unter einer Creative Commons Namensnennung 4.0 International Lizenz.