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A workflow for analysis and resistance profiling of Mycobacterium tuberculosis nanopore data with Mykrobe

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Analysis pipeline for M. tuberculosis nanopore data

Table of Contents


This pipeline is designed to analyse Oxford Nanopore Technologies sequence data. It was developed (and will continue to be improved/maintained) as part of a project to improve tuberculosis diagnostics using nanopore sequencing. The project is being run by a global group of researchers and clinicians from Madagascar's National TB Program, Institute Pasteur Madagascar (IPM), University of Oxford, European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI), Stony Brook University, and Hospital for Tropical Diseases - Ho Chi Minh City. More information and a short video of the project can be found here.

The analysis run by the pipeline is:

  1. Adapter trimming of the basecalled reads (and demultiplexing if required).
  2. Alignment to a given reference genome (default is NC_000962.3).
  3. Plots and statistics of the data after the above.
  4. A final HTML report summarising all results. EXAMPLE REPORT



Note: the following instructions assume you are working on a Linux operating system and have Python version 3.5 or greater.

Install Singularity

Singularity containers can be used to package entire scientific workflows, software and libraries, and even data. This means that you don't have to ask your cluster admin to install anything for you - you can put it in a Singularity container and run. A Singularity container with all the programs required to run this analysis is provided with the pipeline, but in order to use Singularity containers you need to have Singularity installed. If you don't have Singularity installed, you can find detailed instructions here.

Download Pipeline

The first thing to do is download this repository onto the machine you want to run the analysis on. In the spirit of making everything reproducible and tidy I would advise to download this repository once for each nanopore experiment you want to analyse.

Let's create our experiment directory and clone the pipeline.

git clone "$experiment"
cd "$experiment"
mkdir -p "$project_dir"/logs

This will download the pipeline repository into a directory named sample1.

Install Snakemake

Snakemake is a workflow management system which coordinates the running of this pipeline. In order to install it you will need to make sure you have Python3 installed. It is best to manage all of this in a python virtual enviornment. In this repository there is a requirements.txt file which can be used to set up a python environment very easily.

cd "$project_dir"
# create a virtual environment
python3 -m venv .venv
# activate the environment
source .venv/bin/activate
# install the necessary packages
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
# sometimes environment variables get cleared after activating environments
experiment=$(basename $project_dir)

This will install the required python package snakemake and activate the virtual environment. You will need to remember to activate and deactivate the environment each time

# activate
cd "$project_dir"
source .venv/bin/activate
# deactivate

Analysis setup

Singularity container

Download the container locally

cd "$project_dir"/containers
singularity pull --force --name "$container_name" "docker://"

If you are going to be running this pipline for many different samples on the same machine, it is recommended to only download/build the container once, as it is about 1.5GB. Change container_name in the above code to a more central directory and make sure to update the container location in config.yaml (see below).

Initial data location

The pipeline expects that the data you want to analyse is placed in specific directories. Whilst this may seem a bit rigid, it is all in the name of reproducibility.

Non-barcoded sample

For a single sample with no barcoding (and therefore no demultiplexing required) you just need to ensure there is a single fastq file of the basecalled reads. Generally, when a sample has been basecalled there is multiple fastq files (the default for instance has 4000 reads per fastq). To combine the fastq files into a single file

# change into the directory where all the fastq files are
cd /path/to/basecalled/fastq_files
for f in *.fastq*;do;if [ ${f##*.} = "gz" ]; then;cat $f >> "$outfile"";else;cat $f | gzip >> "$outfile";fi;done

Once you have this single, combined fastq file, we need to move it into the appropriate pipeline data folder. Note: The combined file must have the same name as the variable experiment we set earlier. It must also be gziped.

# make the directory we will move the combined file into
mkdir -p "$project_dir"/data
mv "$experiment".fastq.gz "$project_dir"/data/
cd "$project_dir"

Barcoded sample

If you are working with multiplexed (barcoded) samples, then you just need to move (or copy) the directory containing the basecalled data to the experiment directory

# make the directory we will move the reads into
mkdir -p "$project_dir"/data/basecalled
# use `cp -r` instead of `mv` if you want to copy the folder instead
mv /path/to/basecalling/dir "$project_dir"/data/basecalled/
cd "$project_dir"

Copying the data will double the size of the data, so moving it is recommended.

Configuration file

This is the file config.yaml located in the pipeline root directory.

Open this file up in a text editor and change the following fields, if necessary:

  • multiplexed - Default is false. Change to true if sample is multiplexed. If set to true then you MUST enter information for barcodes as well (see below).
  • sample_name - If multiplexed is set to false then this is the name of your sample. Note: this MUST be the value of experiment we defined at the start of the installation instructions. If multiplexed is set to true then ignore this field.
  • barcodes - If multiplexed is set to true then this needs to be a space-separated string of the expected barcodes (the ones you used in the experiment). An example of barcodes 01-05 is provided. These MUST follow the same format of BC followed by 2 digits (e.g "BC01 BC02 BC03"). If multiplexed is set to false then ignore this field.
  • reference - The genome you would like to align the reads to. This is set by to default to the reference provided with the pipeline - NC_000962.3.
  • container - If you have downloaded/built the Singularity container in a different location to the default (containers/tb.simg) then change the path for the container to the location you have it stored at.
  • kit - If multiplexed is set to true then this needs to be the same as the barcode kit used for the multiplexing. A list of available option is listed above this field. If multiple barcoding kits were used, then a space-separated list of kits must be provided (an example is provided above this field). If the sample is not multiplexed then you can leave this field as is.
  • max_covg - If a sample has coverage higher than this amount, its reads will be randomly subsampled to this much coverage. This helps to reduce downstream memory and CPU usage. If you don't want subsampling, just set this to a very high number.


You are all set up now. To run the pipeline simply execute the following. At the end, all of the logs will be under logs/. Data will be in the appropriate subdirectories in data/ and the final report(s) (one for each barcode) will be under docs/.

To run the pipeline on a local computer (i.e laptop or desktop)

cd "$project_dir"
# set the maximum memory (Gb) available on your computer
MAX_MEM=$(( GB * 1000 ))
# run the pipeline
snakemake --use-singularity --cores 8 --resources mem_mb="$MAX_MEM"

This will provide a summary of all the jobs that are to be run, and when they have been started and finished.


You can find the final HTML report(s) in the docs/ directory. All intermediate finals are located in the relevant directories in data/.


A workflow for analysis and resistance profiling of Mycobacterium tuberculosis nanopore data with Mykrobe







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